TIME : 6.00 pm South Africa 5.00 pm UK 12.00 noon ET 11.00 am CT 10.00 am MT 09.00 am PT UCT + 8 hrs (Perth, Australia)
The image you see here is an amazing display of volcanic lightning - a fascinating phenomenon seen in the erupting clouds of ash, lava and water vapour. The combination of forces plays an importat role in the evolution of life, as well as bringing to the surface, primeval subterranean water. Volcanos therefore at as a bridge between worlds - the subterranean (or unseen, unformed), and the physical, uppper world we accept as reality. The eruptions, along with earthquakes are often associated with the external influence of the sun, solar flares, destabilised elctromagnetic fields and where we are in our solar system. This combination of influences - inorganic materials brought to the surface from deep within the earth + FIRE (lightning) + WATER - generates and creates new life, and fuels evolution.
In a similar way, the forces currently acting upon us are profoundly affecting our internal landscape, fuelling an evolutionary impulse driven by the seemingly opposing elements of Fire and Water. We are currently bridging the Cancerian (Water) astrological influence and bringing in the Fiery aspects of Leo - moving through the 'cusp' and interaction of the two forces. It is hardly surprising then, that this is one of the most powerful times of the year for the creativity and expansion. Of course, multiple influences add to the mix, however, this is a significantly powerful time for the alchemical interplay of forces.
Join us for our July teleclass and specially aligned diamond process and we dive more deeply in to this amazing time, along with understanding the special influence and alchemy of the FIRE and WATER elements within us, and how as 'Bridges between the worlds', we have a special role to play in providing the fertile ground for the new!
Joining as always is by donation, and if you are unable to join us Live you will have access to the recordings afterwards. I look forward to seeing you there!
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