11:11 Healing the Tree of Life
Grace is the divine emanation of such compassion, and on 11:11, we step through a doorway to help Heal the Tree of Life - personally, ancestrally, planetarily and comsically. We will work at multiple levels with the trees of the planet as well as our personal and inner Tree of Life. In the pre-process webcast, I will share some of the lesser known apsects of the metaphorical 'Tree of Life' and its configurations.
Let Spirit speak on the breath of the White Wind as we join forces to receive, heal, renew and restore the Tree of Life with this cosmic dispensation. Let's Sparkle!! Buy Now : £22 (approx.$35) or if you are unable to contribute the full amount, you are welcome to provide a small donation in any amount you choose.
Participant Comments from 2014 11:11 Ceremony :
1. From Ann Menzies-Blythe (DLG Teacher, UK) During the meditation I had all sorts of fascinating images, including the legions of Rome, The Crusaders -Knights Templars with the red cross on white ground, Massed Clans with The single piper then the full skirling sound of generations of pipers who , of course lead the regiments into battle from the front... Diamond poppy bridges, with diamonds within the poppies. White poppies swirling down the ancestral lines on both sides of my ancestors and so on so emotional with all the fear anger, hate, aggression, courage loss and grief being released . I saw a huge‘brownish /rusty[colour of old blood?]mat of these energies being lifted from the world and dissolved.... After we had finished, I came down to earth ,doing a mundane job however -suddenly , my other grandfather , who I knew as a child, and who I loved dearly was with me. He has never been through so strongly , once in the back ground, after reminding me of our time together, and I assured him I had not forgotten –he died when I was 7 ,and apparently his last smile was for me... He was a soldier –regular in the Cavalry, he adored horses, he turned and thanked me for his release, and told me he was moving on now into the Light, he would be back to talk to me. Then I heard ‘you have no conception of just how powerful and magnificent the work is that you have set in motion today-Thank you...’ Blessings and peace to you Jules and to all that were in group from all the dimensions, I am honoured to have been part of this work Ann 2. From Judith (UK) I just wanted to shared something with you. So much of what you said today, in your beautiful meditation had come into my consciousness over the last week or so. 2 weeks ago I had a powerful experience when I went to see my homeopath..... Through following the threads to irrational feelings of anxiety/stress arising in my body - relating to a specific emotion (unrelated to war but linked to the word 'betrayal').....I linked to a vivid childhood memory and as I sat, quietly....following the thread to the emotion had the vision in my mind's eye of a a battlefield.... dying horses lay all around....I didn't see the bodies of men....just a sense of the entrails of the horses and I saw one man.....dying....cold....in total and utter despair....I physically experienced his despair.....I shouted overwhelmed by a sense of his utter and total darkness....I felt his tears....a hollow, empty pain....he had believed he was fighting for peace....but he had been betrayed....somehow the little girl of my childhood memory linked to this scene like a thread.....and I felt a responsibility....to 'Sam' (for this was what he was called).....with my homeopath I held the energy.....I drew him to my heart and I am not sure that we can possibly know what happened.....just that the heaviness and despair lifted and the lights behind my eyes became green and bright and somehow, something, shifted. When your invitation to the event today landed in my spam box yesterday I just had to join....as I say...the synchronicity is simply awesome. We just have to listen....and believe.....and yet not believe (for our creativity is important I think don't you....we are co-creating this). We have access now....to knowledge and information and the support of teachers and fellow travellers....even 50 years we would have been sent to the asylum!! In earlier times we would have been burned. Thank you Julie. With love Judithx 3. From Lori (Canada) – received yesterday 10/11 I knew this call was coming up and was guided to light a candle while at Church last Sunday morning, as a prayer offering to help clear and heal all of the Ancestral Lines within our Family. On Friday morning, I had a dream about my Maternal Grandfather who was killed during WW11 in Belgium. He is buried in Holland. A man told me he would be bringing him back. If the weather today was not good, he would bring him to us by Monday, which is tomorrow. As I shared this dream with my Mother, the power went out briefly then came back on. It was him, letting us know he is here...he died when she was 7 yrs old and she never fully recovered... Later that morning, out doing some grocery shopping...came back, I looked at the speedometer. I had driven, 11.1 kilometers. Then in the afternoon, a car drove by with the numbers 111 on it. Knew they were signs to register for the 11:11 Soul Healing. There have been more 11's since then up until today! Thank you again SO much! With Love & Blessings, Lori 4. From Bonnie (USA) I always am deeply moved by what you do. There was something different today. I would suspect for me it touched on what I am wanting to embody and stand for in regard to any kind of warring internal or external. I know my desire is the remembering of wholeness and unity. The sacred marriage of the masculine and feminine living in each of us. I found the time this morning powerful, moving, gentle and deeply "healing" as we move into oneness. Sending diamond hugs and diamond appreciation, Bonnie (www.diamondpathways.com) 5. From Susan Z (USA) Thanks for making this happen. I had been seeing 11:11 for 2 months, and I never really look at the clock, but there it was, everywhere. So of course I happened into it. The first session I did in the afternoon as Mercury was stationing. It was very emotional and I found places where deep pain and humor merged, I don't know how to say it, I was about to cry and a sound like a laugh came out. As I was making recordings this morning I listened in a bit and heard things I know you didn't say. I always find this with your work, it gets deeper the more I do it. I will get a lot of mileage out of of this and continue to work with the ancestors. Thanks a million, Sue Z." 6. From Karlene, (UK) "Thanks for a wonderful meditation process, I really enjoyed both of them, I wasn't able to connect in the mornings but thankfully did so in the evenings around 11pm. Both meditations brought up a lot of stuff around war (in the southern areas of africa) and lots of grief, crying and singing in the carribean. Was painful and so joyful at the same time for me and I plan to go over the meditation again to find out more. Love and blessings, Karlene" 7. From Chrystina (UK) "Thank you Julie for creating this wonderful opportunity of release and peace!" 8 From Tania (UK) "Your events are always so timeous in light of what is emerging in my life and healing journey. Huge thanks for creating just the event I need in perfect timing!" |
Comment from 2014 Ceremony :
"I had a superb Meditation day and at 11.11am we connected to the bridges of white poppies. One participant found themselves down in the trenches and saw them release the negative energy and fill with- guess what -white poppies. Another ,saw a WW1 soldier injured holding his entrails in... she actively helped him and saw him healing ,on to the diamond/white poppy bridge up to the light, then almost at the same time. I was given that he represented the unknown soldier who is buried in West minster Abbey, and as i write this , I am receiving further confirmation. Another person had a much more global vision of wars past present and future with huge releases. Great stuff that started last weekend !!" Ann, UK Buy Now : £22 (approx $35) |