When : 11 November 2023 Time : 5.00 pm (UK), 12.00 pm ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00am PT
The 11 : 11 is traditionally a time of focussing on peace, the concepts of freedom, and the fundamental rights of human beings to live a life free from fear, harm, intrusion and overt control. These values seem to be in short supply at the moment with many being emotionally triggered to respond to world events from a vastly polarised, and explosive perspective.
As beings focussed on the ideas and energy of a 'new world' where these values are restored, we can hold a balanced position, seeking to ignite a flame within that supports us in being living, breathing anchors of an expanded, peaceful perspective. As the saying goes, war cannot create peace. The manipulated geo- and cultural politics of our 'home' are being used to continue fuelling separation, divide, hatred and emotional numbness to the pain being caused by the actions of those attempting to redirect our future. Cognitive dissonance is running wild, generating deep confusion in so many as to what exactly they stand for. This is not our future, neither is it the future that belongs to deeply compassionate and caring human beings. Violence is never the answer.
Heading in to the 11-11, there is much concern regarding potential protests and vengeful, escalating violence in many major cities. The volatile energetic landscape of November also lends itself to agressive outbursts, lashing out, rebelliousness and impulsiveness. It also carries the potential for female leadership, caution and 'managing the mental/emotional' tension. What we do, and how we respond to that energetic influence is ours to internalise, and then anchor in to the global grids to assist in neutralising some of the harm.
Over the October 28 Lunar Eclipse, we harnessed the more feminine aspects of the Adamantine Flame through the inherent Fire in water as well as the earth (if you missed it, it was a particularly powerful process that brought deep release and healing for a number of people - you can still access the recording via donation here: www.diamondlightworld.net/28-oct-adamantine-flame.html)
On this auspicious day of 11-11, we will balance the Adamantine flame through it's 'masculine' component, to fuel and amplify our deepest 'Yes' through our strong and boundary-led 'No'. The strength of our 'No' (boundaries-masculine) determines the power of our 'Yes' and the energy we both step in to as well as integrate within our being. Let's transcend the irrational aspects of the energetic impulses many are subjected to, with a Higher frequency, True Self fuelled flame of peace, respect, understanding and fierce Love as we further clarify what it is we stand FOR. Let's embody more love right here, right now. The doorway is open!
Join us for our special 11:11 teleclass and energetic process. Joining is by donation which enables you to determine the value exchange based on your means.
Click on the link below (all teleclasses are recorded and available for download).
The recording as well as extracted mp3's will be available shortly after the event and are yours permanently