TIME : 6.00 pm South Africa 5.00 pm UK 12.00 noon ET 11.00 am CT 10.00 am MT 09.00 am PT UCT + 8 hrs (Perth, Australia)
Moving on from the powerful purging through the solar eclipse in April, we were gifted with a distinct surging forward through the energies of May, initiated in part by a barrage of very intense solar flares - and definitely delivering some pretty huge energies. Some were left reeling, stressed and sleepless by the surges, while others found it energising and encouraging! It certainly does feel as if the pulse of life itself has quickened and accelerated - and then who can discount the amazing auroral shows we were given an opportunity to witness? The forms and colours observed were multitudinous, including butterfly, angelic and dragon forms - see above for the White dragon photographed over BC, Canada on 11 May (yes, I am aware of the 'coincidental' HAARP tests over the same time, however Solar Cycle 25 is in full swing and activity as we head into solar maximum this year).
The overarching energetic influences from this month forwards are asking a great deal of us. Life is fast, expansive, filled with new possibilities and choices, liberating, more flow, greater connectivity within relationships and super creative. It also has the potential for overwhelm, mental or intellectual overload, short fuses and too much 'noise' to hear your own inner guidance.
After the deep purging and constant pivoting to bring us to this point, this is now a time to rise above (or out of) what we no longer want or need - entering a new level on the evolutionary spiral so to speak. As we, ourselves are powered up and expanded by the universal forces (and huge Jupiter energies!), we energise (or galvanise) the timeline at this new level. As Molly McCord, astrologer, notes, "something locks in now to move you forward, the way is cleared and there is no longer any need to go back". It is a 'Go for it' type of energy for actions that are aligned with your deeply inherent values, and more of what you feel you have been waiting for.
The clearing out has been tremendous and there is no need now to rehash or revisit 'old stuff'. What remains is simply an echo from the past, something ephemeral that you can't quite hold on to any more. In the age old analogy of catterpillar-butterfly metamorphosis, the caterpillar literally dies or disappears in its old form and there is nothing tangible to hook in to, although there is a resistance to the newly organising imaginal cells of the butterfly.
This is a time to see with new eyes from this higher level of the spiral, to expand your vision to take in new possibilities and new choices, to become aligned and coherent with the new inner environment and the truth & beauty of our place in nature. It is our responsibility to galvanise this new birth and reinforce the timeline at this new level through ever greater degrees of trust and love, despite perhaps feeling fragile, doubtful or unsure in the newness of our being. Once the butterfly takes flight in its new form, all doubt dissipates. Similarly, the delicate beauty and resilient strength of your Diamond Self becomes more evident.
It's a very fine balancing act, yet with a highly positive outcome despite what the external world wishes us to believe.
More to be discussed in our monthly teleclass, with a special diamond process to support the reharmonisation of the adjustments!
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