Time : 7.00 pm South Africa 5.00 pm UK 12.00 noon ET 11.00 am CT 10.00 am MT 09.00 am PT 2.00 am ACT (Australia - following day)
This years December Solstice - and celebration of the return of Ligt- falls within a Mercury retrograde cycle (Dec 13th - Jan 2nd). While you may relate to this time in terms of disruptions and chaos, the retrogrades also present us with incredible gifts and opportunities to reconnect with the truth of our inner light. Sarah Varcas of astro-awakenings shares this insight : "The time of Mercury retrograde is always a time of truth, even when communications seem disrupted and misunderstandings are rife, because misunderstandings themselves are part of the truth of being human. When Mercury is retrograde we’re given a chance to address them and correct the course of events, rather than sweeping them under the carpet, ready to trip us up another day. Indeed, whatever Mercury retrograde brings to us, the best reflection is always, ‘What truth does this reveal to me and why have I needed it revealed in this way at this time?’. The answers to these questions may be very enlightening indeed…
So no matter what you may have heard about how it’s nothing but a pain, causing disruption to our plans, throwing our communications awry and generally chucking a spanner into the works of our lives, the passage of Mercury retrograde is actually a gift from the heavens which gives us an opportunity to reflect, take stock, review, and correct mistakes we may previously have made in the rush and whirl of everyday life. It’s how we receive and use this gift that matters" www.astro-awakenings.co.uk
What does this have to do with 'Putting down Your Weapons'?
Firstly, how often do we consider what weapons we frequently use against ourselves and the beliefs they are either triggered by or embedded in? Every judgment you make against yourself triggers a barrage of internal saboteurs, all ready to launch their weapons inwardly, to trip us up and feed misunderstandings and disruption which are then projected outwards - and can cause mayhem. How many of the current world conflicts are the external result of attempts to escape internal discomfort as a result of an inner onlsaught? Weapons such as guilt, shame, judgment, resentment, regret, anger, superiority, inferiority, low worth, self-loathing, hatred - the list goes on & I'm sure you are familiar with many of your own weapons of 'destruction'. We also know that the external world mirrors our internal world, so what would be possible if we all put our own weapons down and surrendered them? What boundless outpouring of love, purity, peace and courage lies cowering beneath our own inner barrage of firepower? And what difference can we make by enabling the amplification of these qualities in the world when we initiate our own ceasefire?
Thoughts for you to ponder as we move into the December Solstice and both identify and then surrender our own weapons to welcome the beginning of a new cycle of internal and external light. We will explore this further with some practical tips for 'Putting down your weapons' in our special Solstice teleclass and Diamond energy process!
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