A number of special souls have taken their own Diamond Journey and have become facilitaors of the Diamond Light Grid Alignment process. This means that they are able to facilitate one-one alignments with you either in person or remotely. This process supports you with the alignment of your Diamond Light Body and begins to activate the resonating frequencies of the diamond consciousness at the energetic and cellular level. The Diamond Light Grid development is an ongoing jourmey for every one of us as we strive to strengthen the grid and become the highest expression of who we are. Many who experience these sessions have a deep knowing that something has shifted for them & are often unable to translate this into words - such is the nature of the diamond. Healings do occur as you access the realms of Divine Consciousness, however this is an energetic alignment process that takes you further and empowers you on your spiritual journey.
Often, these wonderful practitioners will incorporate or hold the diamond in conjunction with other therapies and practices, effectively amplifying the effect of other techniques or modalities. Try a session with any of these special souls and experience it for yourself! It is magical.....