Images by Nyako Nakar
The beauty of the Diamond Light Grid, is that we don't have to wait for it to happen, but we can be conscious co-creators and actually build this new layer of light in our own fields as well as with others. Many people are beginning to see diamonds (octahedrons), as well as spontaneous visions of other geometries of light. The increasing numbers of individuals connecting with the diamond and retrieving thier own information, confirms beautifully what I was told by Spirit in 2004, when I received the simple message that "The Diamond LIght Grid is the vehicle for the Light Codes". Our Diamond LIght Grid is our conduit to the information from Universal Mind which is communicated in the primary language of geometries created by spiralling and moving light.
To build our Diamond Light Grid is to take a leap forward in our spiritual evolution, enabling us to access and utilise higher frequencies of light that we decode through our own bodies, and to hold more Divine Power from the Universal Source. This power leads to new dimensional information, effectively fuelling our ascension and triggering new codings in our DNA. As each of us creates our own grid and stabilises the energy, we effectively create the global diamond grid for the planet. We become facets of the paradise grid of earth. We are intimately connected with the cosmos as well as the earth, and the octahedral or diamond grid means we become the living bridge into a new energetic frequency level. The various training programmes offered are designed to assist you in developing your own Diamond Light Grid as well as further offering that as an uplifting gift to others if this is what you should so choose. It is a perfect complement for all other forms of healing and in fact amplifies everything else that you do. Whether we choose to work with others or not, our Diamond Light Grid is an essential aspect of our pre-exis light body structure, bringing coherence and strength with which to further our transformation and manage the transitional process we are currently experiencing on this planet. The DIAMOND LIGHT GRID TRAINING IS STRUCTURED AT 4 LEVELS CURRENTLY, EACH ONE PROGRESSING INTO THE NEXT AND BUILDING ON PRIOR TRAINING : 1. FOUNDATION WORKSHOP : ENTERING THE PLAYGROUND OF YOUR SOUL (ONE DAY) This ONE DAY workshop is ideal if you simply wish to explore and experience your diamond and the power, peace and soul awareness it brings into your life. With some background theory, it is more practical and experiential, which allows you the opportunity to connect with and begin to embody more of your own soul energy. The day includes many energy exercises and practical tools to prepare and attune your energy fields to the frequencies of the diamond energy and a new level of consciousness. The exercises also facilitate clearing and reprogramming your unconscious in order to clear the way for integration of new information. (If you have completed the Call to Presence (CTP) Home Study program, then this foundation day also complements it beautifully, enabling you to experience your diamond essence in the amplified fields of a group environment) Registration for the Level 1 DLG workshop (below) requires EITHER completion of the CTP or attendance at the Foundation Workshop.You can complete both the Foundation and the CTP if desired. It is recommended but not compulsory. 2. THE DIAMOND LIGHT GRID LEVEL 1 - ACTIVATING THE DIAMOND LIGHT GRID (TWO DAYS) This TWO DAY experiential workshop is designed to give you hands on practise of detecting and working with the fabric and structure of the Diamond Light Grid with others. The power that is generated in the space that is created is incredible and tangible. The core of your developing light body and ability to access the unlimited potential of the Universal Grid, is your personal Diamond Light Grid. This ‘vehicle’ is a lattice-work of etheric energy fibres that provide the transport mechanism for electrical energy transfer between you and the universal web. These Light Fields represent a holographic energy structure, that when aligned and functioning optimally, connect you with your perfect essence, enabling your DNA to function optimally. This exciting energy alignment process reorganizes your energy fields and calibrates them with your original life or essence blueprint, as well as reconnecting you with the universal lattice. This two day workshop will introduce you to sacred geometry, biogemetry, remote and hands-on diamond alignments, cosmic connections and the delivery of new consciousness, advanced subtle energy anatomy (and much more). Words that have been used to describe the experience of the Diamond from workshop participants include : Glowing, heart-centred, grounding, harmonic perfection, happy, powerful energy tool, safe, integrated, and one of my favourites, “it’s like chocolate”! Come and experience the loving power directly and take your spiritual development to a new level. An extensive workbook is provided. New dates to be established for 2024! 3. THE DIAMOND LIGHT GRID LEVEL 2 - ACTIVATING AND WORKING WITH THE LIGHT CODES (TWO DAYS) Once we have our Diamond Light Grid anchored and in place, we have the perfect infrastructure for accessing information from the universal grids. This information comes to us coded in the universal language of sacred geometry – the Diamond Light Codes. They are transmitted through your diamond light grid, giving your physical body access to the vibrant frequencies of light. These encoded ‘light’ geometries of consciousness act to stimulate responses in your DNA, opening up the hidden language in your cells and deepening your access and communication with your own Higher Self. The combination of Diamond Light Grid + Diamond Light Codes is a perfect blend of sacred energy helping to guide your evolution. For basic information about the Light Codes, click here. During the 2 day workshop, you will experience a deepening of your connection with diamond light grid, and activate more of your DNA through the energies of the diamond light codes. A workbook and mini set of Diamond Light Codes is provided. New dates to be established for 2024! 4. THE DIAMOND LIGHT GRID LEVEL 3 - ADVANCED DIAMOND CONSCIOUSNESS (TWO DAYS) Expanding your experience, understanding and introducing advanced diamond processes supporting ongoing consciousness enhancement for yourself as well as others. This two day workshop introduces the advanced alignments, The 'Kabbalistic Tree of Life' distortions and how the diamond rectifies this, magical processes, in-depth understanding and application of the Black Diamond and human biology. The two days are filled with the deeper mystical understanding and how the Diamond has been coded into many ancient texts and wisdoms. It has always been available to those who seek, and in these modern times its power calls you back to a deeper union with your True, Authentic, Sovereign Self. |