When : 11 November Time : 5.00 pm (UK), 12.00 pm ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00am PT
What is Freedom, and what is your relationship with it? It's an interesting question that we perhaps don't often afford ourselves the time to find out what it means to us, as well as what it what it means for us. There are certain 'freedoms' we take for granted as well as certain 'freedoms' that are so-called granted to us by perceived authorities. The latter leaves us open to great coercion and manipulation in order to maintain the status quo or the relationship with those authorities. It calls to mind the great quote by Goethe :
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”
I even read an opinion by a spiritual teacher recently who offered up that 'freedom is acting in the now as opposed to procrastination'. It is pretty clear that there are are many personal constructs built around this word which is on millions of people's lips at this juncture in human history!
Some of the classic definitions of 'Freedom' include :
The condition of not being in prison or captivity.
The condition or right of being able or allowed to do whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited
A right to act in the way you think you should
The condition of not being controlled by another nation or political power; political independence.
The concept of Freedom goes hand in hand with the concept of Sovereignty, which for the most part is officially defined as being associated with external figureheads, Royalty, the state, the community or 'a state of supreme authority or power'. So, to consider our freedom, is also to consider our state of personal sovereignty.
As we head towards the 11:11 and the honouring of generations who have 'fought for our freedoms', perhaps it is time to reconsider what we are giving our energy to, for each and every one of those individuals who gave their lives did so on the basis of misinformation, manipulation, external control and outright lies. As the frequency of our planet continues to rise along with the current 'conditions', the extent of deception and long-term enslavement of humanity becomes ever more evident. The association of Freedom with doing untold harm to others and multiple wars that have been possible as a result of psychological and behavioural manipulation, becomes clearer and clearer.
Freedom has been conditioned to become an external association as opposed to an internal state.
Our 11:11 gathering this year will focus on purifying all the ways in which our association with Sovereignty and Freedom has become distorted. We will also be fully honouring our ancestors and prior generations who have endured massive loss of life without having had the frequency of truth and transparency that we have. Our current choices and frequency alignment can heal and transform the energetic pattern we were born in to, and release our ancestors through the genetic and DNA links.
What we do and truly embedding and embodying Truth and Freedom, is probably the most important thing we can do at this time.
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