Date : 11 November Time : 5.00 pm UK, 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT
So much has been said by so many around the momentous events since 3 Nov, that there is little else that can be added - the issue of election results awaits resolution and is far from decided.
There was an amazing speech given by David Choquehuanca, Vice President of Bolivia a few hours ago (10/11), that speaks right into the meaning and resurgence of Love through the hearts of humanity. Below is a short extract that enfolds the essence of our 11-11 Gateway class and process through this time.
With the permission of our gods, our older brothers and our Pachamama, our ancestors, our achachilas, with the permission of our Patuju, our rainbow, our sacred coke leaf. With the permission of our peoples, with the permission of all those present and not present in this Chamber. Today I want to share our thoughts in a few minutes. It is an obligation to communicate, an obligation to dialogue, it is a principle of living well. The peoples of the millennial cultures, of the culture of life we maintain our origins since the dawn of remote times. We children have inherited a millennial culture that understands that everything is interrelated, that nothing is divided and that nothing is out. ' Let's go together ' That's why we're told to all go together, nobody stays behind, everyone has everything and nobody needs anything. And the well-being of all is self-being, that helping is reason to grow and be happy, that giving up for the benefit of the other makes us feel strengthened, that unite and recognize in the whole is the way of yesterday, today tomorrow and always where we have never walked away Ayni, minka, tumpa, our colka and other codes of millennial cultures are the essence of our life, of our ayllu. Ayllu is not only a society organization of human beings, ayllu is a system of organizing life of all beings, of everything that exists, of everything that flows balanced on our planet or Mother Earth. For centuries the civilizing canons of Abya Yala were unstructured and many of them exterminated, original thinking was systematically subjected to colonial thought. But they did not manage to extinguish us, we are alive, we are from Tiwanaku, we are strong, we are like the stone, we are cholke, we are sinchi, we are Rumy, we are Jenecheru, fire that never went out, we are Samaipata, we are Jaguar, we are Katari, we are Comanches , we are mayans, we are guaran íess, we are mapuches, we are moje ñosos, we are quechuas, we are jokis, and we are all peoples of the culture of life that wake up larama, equal, rebellious with wisdom. 'A transition every 2.000 years' Today Bolivia and the world live a transition that repeats itself every 2.000 years, in the context of the cycling of times, we spent from no time to time, starting the new dawn, to a new Pachakuti in our history A new sun and a new expression in the language of life where empathy for one another or collective good supersedes selfish individualism. Where Bolivians look at each other the same and we know that together we are worth more, we are in times of being Jiwasa again, it's not me, it's us. Jiwasa is the death of self-centeredness, Jiwasa is the death of anthropocentrism and is the death of theolocentrism. We're in time to be Iyambae again, it's a code that our Guaran íes brothers have protected him, and Iyambae is equal to the person who has no owner, no one in this world has to feel owner of anyone and nothing. Since 2006 we started in Bolivia a hard work to connect our individual and collective roots, to return to being ourselves, return to our center, to the taypi, to the pacha, to balance from where the wisdom of civilizations emerge more important of our planet. We are in full process of recovering our knowledge, the codes of the culture of life, the civilizing canons of a society that lived in close connection with the cosmos, the world, nature and individual and collective life to build our sum kama ñaa, from our sum akalé, which is to ensure individual good and collective or community good. Chacha-warmi We are in times of recovering our identity, our cultural root, our sake, we have cultural root, we have philosophy, history, we have everything, we are people, and we have rights. One of the unwavering canons of our civilization is the wisdom inherited around the Pacha, ensuring balance at all times and space is knowing how to manage all complementary energies, the cosmic that comes from heaven with the earth emerging from under the earth. These two cosmic teluric forces interact creating what we call life as a visible totality (Pachamama) and spiritual (Pachakama). By understanding life in terms of energy we have the possibility to change our history, matter and life as the convergence of the chacha-warmi force, when we refer to the complementarity of opposites. The new time we're starting will be sustained by the energy of Ayllu, community, consensus, horizontality, complementary balances and the common good. Historically, the revolution is understood as a political act to change the social structure, so as to transform the lives of the individual, none of the revolutions have managed to change the conservation of power, to maintain control over people. Our revolution is the revolution of ideas The nature of power was not changed, but power has managed to distort the minds of politicians, power can corrupt and it is very difficult to change the strength of power and its institutions, but it is a challenge we will take on from the wisdom of our villages. Our revolution is the revolution of ideas, it's the revolution of balances, because we are convinced that in order to transform society, government, bureaucracy and laws and the political system we must change as individuals. Our truth is very simple, the condor lifts flight only when his right wing is in perfect balance with his left wing, the task of forming us as balanced individuals was brutally interrupted centuries ago, we have not concluded and the time of the Ayllu era, community, is already with us. Demand that we be free and balanced individuals to build harmonious relationships with each other and with our environment, it is imperative that we be fit beings to maintain balance for themselves and for the community. We are in times of the brothers of apanaka pachakuti, brothers of change, where our fight was not only for us, but for them too and not against them. We seek the mandate, we do not seek confrontation, we seek peace, we are not the culture of war or domination, our fight is against all kinds of subjugation and against the unique colonial, patriarchal, wherever it comes from. The idea of the encounter between spirit and matter, heaven and earth of Pachamama and Pachakama allows us to think that a new woman and man can heal humanity, the planet, and the beautiful life in it and give back beauty to our mother earth. We will defend the sacred treasures of our culture from all interference, we will defend our peoples, our natural resources, our freedoms and our rights. 'We will return to Qhapak Ñan' We will return to our Qhapak Ñan, the noble way of integration, the way of truth, the way of brotherhood, the way of unity, the way of respect for our authorities, our sisters, the way of respect for the fire, the path of respect for rain, the path of respect for our mountains, the path of respect for our rivers, the path of respect for our mother earth, the path of respect for the sovereignty of our peoples. Brothers, finally, Bolivians must overcome division, hatred, racism, discrimination between compatriots, no more persecution of freedom of expression, no more judicialization of politics. No more abuse of power, power has to be to help, power has to circulate, power, as well as the economy, has to be redistricted, has to circulate, has to flow, as well as blood flows within our body, no more impunity, justice brothers. But justice needs to be truly independent, let's put an end to intolerance to the humiliation of human rights and our mother earth. The new time means listening to the message of our peoples coming from the bottom of their hearts, means healing wounds, looking at us with respect, recovering the homeland, dream together, build brotherhood, harmony, integration, hope to ensure peace and happiness of the new generations. Only then can we achieve living well and governing ourselves. Jallalla Bolivia! ′′
The 8 Facets of Love we will be working with are : - Trust - Truth - Transparency - Respect - Kindness - Unification - Compassion - Surrender
Recordings are provided if you are unable to join us Live.
The teleclass + energy process will last approx. 90mins.
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