2 Group Teleclasses with teachings and Energy Alignments
Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT, 5.00 pm UK
During this pivotal month of September, we have the balancing potential of the equinox (on 22nd), as well as an open doorway on 11 Sep. to a new wave of awakening. While there are many aligning with the so-called 9-9 'portal', I was drawn again to a different date as significant for our journey through this incredible moment in collective history. That date is the 11 Sept. When I was given the date a few weeks ago, I wondered why as we are now 19 years on from those tragic events of 9/11. However, as I have uncovered, the 11th Sep. 2020 also heralds the opening to 360 days of REGROWTH, after having been in 360 days of decline from 17 Sept 2019. It is the rising of a new light in the East. A new dawn. An opportunity to initiate and welcome a tsunami of awakening and to celebrate the Love, power and potential of humanity to steer our course firmly on a new timeline.
The 360 day cycle I speak of is known as the 8th wave in the original Mayan time structure. This wave carries us into the light of new creativity and a divine (heart-fuelled) connection. The energetic signature of the 11th is described as "the Divine Feminine that holds the capability of Divine Discernment, Compassion, and Motherly Love. It carries the memory of our initial creation and knows the Truth of what we are capable To Be. IMIX holds the responsibility for our nourishment and well-being, and reveals the Truth that’s needed to Live our Lives in a fullness of who we Really Are". We have the next 360 days of this building wave to optimise our connection to this.
Astrologically, we have the challenges to existing authority taking centre stage. Interestingly, the greatest challenges to patriarchal authority are being witnessed through souls embodied in female form - perhaps appropriate for these times, as the world we are assisting to create will be rooted firmly in the Feminine principles, and fuelled by the primordial power of Love.
Also, very appropriately is this beautiful piece written by Gillian Mcbeth-Louthan, which sets the tone for the continuing excavation of all that is discerned as distortion by the heart, and facilitating the opening of a most important doorway to reveal the brilliant clarity of universal and heart-based Truth.
"I am a reflection of all of your faces. I am a light that exists through space and time, not to be shackled, not to be corralled, and not to be pegged into any one spot. As I peer out through the clouds, I ask you to wink back at me as you see in fullness with eyes beyond the optic. The un-doing of you is what you have been born for. Allow this un-doing to be completed, as you are unraveled from the very epics of self that have so long been your truth. You will now experience new chapters with endings different than you ever imagined and ever pondered in the past.
I am where light bends. I have the ability to help you see around the next corner of your experience, the next corner of your thought, the next corner of your day. Look ahead – but not in a straightened fashion. For the world as you know it, bends to the left of itself. It is at that point of intersection that history may or may not repeat itself. It is at that bend in the refraction of life that you all sit. Perception influences all. If your perception shifts in accordance with your light encodings, with your heart-felt understanding and love, then your world cannot run astray. That is how and where you bend in space and time at this appropriate intersection. Truth only exists when it has a host. If you do not invite anothers' truth into your den, it will have no place to slumber. Be aware; be very aware of the truths that you allow to spend the night in your heart.
Listen for the truths that speak to you that do not come from human lips. Listen as all life embeds itself within your cellular structure. Listen as light from the stars whispers to you in your sleep with words that you spoke hundreds of light years before. At this intersection of time and space the light bends. The light that shines behind the light, peers out through its reflection, initiating to those who are willing to see, what is yet to come. The gifts unfold as mummified wrappings, layer by layer. What is seen is not real. What is real can only be felt with the senses and not seen as a solid object. Much moves about in your day that you bump elbows with, but know not that it exists. Much moves about in your heavens, but you see it not with the bold blue backdrop. I am the essence that is known as the Great Attractor. I call back to myself, all that has been created. As Creation is pulled back into itself, it changes form over and over again until ultimately it is pure energy. This is the same ability that you hold inherently. As you call back to you all light and life, it changes form in accordance with your perceptions. Formlessness only requires form when it is needed. If your world feels as if is collapsing upon it self, know that the form is calling itself back home into formlessness. Do not hold on to what wishes to become light in your thinking, in your world, and in your expectations. I leave you with these thoughts"
Our greatest challenges during September will be to hold firm to the light, truth and beauty of the this pure energy as we dance between the worlds of form and the formless. The strength afforded during the Lions Gate, comes into its own as we maintain our connection to the source of our inner Light, knowing that we ARE the wave. WE are the Tsunami. We weave our light into the world of form without fear of what is being dismantled by the sheer force of collective presence.
In the teleclass on 11th, we will dive into the understanding and gifts of this '8th wave' as it will underpin other influences in the coming year, and energetically align with it. On the 22nd Equinox, we will collectively stabilise
Recordings are provided if you are unable to join us Live.
Each teleclass + energy process will last approx. 90mins.
USD $30 per Teleclass (or $50 for both)
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