Time : 7.00 pm South Africa 5.00 pm UK 12.00 noon ET 11.00 am CT 10.00 am MT 09.00 am PT 2.00 am ACT (Australia - following day)
The upcoming lunar eclipse on 20 January as the sun moves into Aquarius, is an emotional cusp that brings with it a restlessness, excitement and unpredictability. It is a profound opportunity to heal, release and liberate our authentic voice with a focus on the inner child and the deeply embedded programs. Understanding the impacts this can have on our life is important as we open to greater creativity and adventure through the next 2 years.
Significantly, this is a culmination of an almost decade long cycle that releases our unique expression from the confines of 'unnatural conformity'. It is a time to recognise that we are here to support each other, even as we connect with the uniqueness of of our own contributions in the world. It is a delicate balance and alignment between individualism and community - a recognition that we do not achieve anything in isolation. The lunar eclipse is at 0 degrees of Leo, which places a lens on authenticity, heart expansion, listening to and following your heart's knowingness and becoming your own leader. This is a time for the wayshowers and initiators, however we need to be aware of the emotional impact of this eclipse window and not retreat into escapism, fantasy, wishful thinking or overwhelm.
Our diamond gathering will provide insights for the way forward and a special diamond process to align mind, heart and soul for growth.
As this is a second community gathering and 'activation' in January, this is being offered at a reduced rate of $20 for the event.
Join us below!
Single webcast (approx. 90 minutes) is $20 Click Below
When you subscribe to our new membership program, this webcast is offered at a further discounted price