20 March 2022 Equinox : Teleclass and Diamond Energy Process
Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT 4.00 pm UK
Many of you will already be aware of the fact that many indigenous people's celebrated or observed the energies of the Equinoxes and Solstices with sacred ceremony. Much of this relates to an honouring of the natural relationships and cycles existing between our earth and sun. What is perhaps not so well known, is that the geomagnetic relationship and effects is particularly strong and relevant in March of each year, particularly around the March Equinox. At this time, there are significant cracks that appear in the earth's electromargnetic shield, which, along with a more direct alignment to the sun, result in more greater exposure to the solar emissions. This serves to deliver more super-charged plasma to the earth, enhancing levels of electrification and EM field instability.
As plasma is essentially a living intelligence, this allows us greater access to the information and frequencies being delivered. It is therefore recognised, that the March Equinox stimulates greater energetic sensitivity, including higher levels of psychic activity, deeper awakening, a more expanded sense of Self, big dreams and big thinking! Of course, the more challenging aspects of this can be experienced as chaotic (because of the EM field disruptions), volatile and a desire to control as much as possible - especially for those who find it troublesome to deal with the unsettling energies.
All of these attributes are currently amplified by additional planetary influences along with greater cycles that are helping to drive the raising of our frequency and also exacerbate the implosion and breaking down of outmoded & lower frequency systems. This amplification is resulting in rapidly shifting external (and internal) perspectives and events that appearto be transpiring at warp speed! There is hardly time to adjust to one set of circumstances before the scenarios we are presented with change, making previous options redundant.
This is a time that requires us to be able to shed the toxicicty of our collective past, making way for ever the accumulating gifts and transparency of the living intelligence that binds us through the web of life.
We will explore this more deeply, along with the amplifying influences in our Equinox teleclass, and share a diamond energy process to assist with the detoxification of the old, integration of the new and the strengthening of our core being. And those that have been on this journey with me for many years, know how powerful these journeys have become!
The teleclass + process is approx. 90 mins and is offered on a donation basis, so no-one is excluded. If you are unable to join Live, you will still receive the recording!
Join us by registering using the donation button below!