20 Mar 23 Equinox : Teleclass and Diamond Energy Process!
Time : 1.00 pm ET, 12.00 noon CT, 11.00 am MT, 10.00 am PT 5.00 pm UK (Please note the start time for the various zones in the USA as daylight saving has already been implemented there, while the UK will only be next weekend).
This year's first equinox falls on the eve of what is known as a 'black moon'. A black moon is a particularly powerful new moon which augurs a significant new phase. We can use its energy to prepare for shifts in our inner and outer worlds so powerful they may change the very course of our life. Each black moon signals the beginning of a new cycle which lasts until the next black moon, two and a half to three years later, so these are powerful moments in time which can markedly influence the coming years. It is therefore wise to use their energy well!
"Once the black moon arrives, a shift in the fabric of the universe is underway, often manifesting as a new life theme that develops and matures across the coming two to three years. Our attention may shift to new interests and/or occupations. We may meet new people or drift from old ones. What once seemed so important to our well-being loses its appeal and we find deep inner shifts reflected in changes we once could never have contemplated. This is no ordinary new moon but the birth of a whole new phase in our life, which will unfold in ways that can be hard to predict at first, but which, in retrospect, make perfect sense when reviewed from a vantage point of garnered wisdom in a year or so’s time. Then we can see where we were, where we are and where we’re heading in relation to the themes of the defining black moon" Sarah Varcas, www.astro-awakenings.co.uk
The black moon draws us in to the silence from which our wisdom emerges - our inner stillpoint from which we can pivot 360 degrees in order to explore our choices, pathways, new opportunities and themes. It is exceptionally powerful when it overlaps the equinox, at a time when we are restoring balance and perspective.
These themes, along with a new energy process will mark our equinox community gathering on 20 March!
The teleclass + process will be approx. 90 mins and joining is by donation. You will also be sent the recording if you are unable to join us live! Join below : (and please wait to be redirected to the host page afterwards which you can bookmark for the event - a reminder email with connection details will be sent out on the event day)