21-12-2012 : Sanctifying your Sacred SpaceThe word that kept coming to me as I was preparing this significant Solstice process was Sanctification. Whilst having general application in the more formal religions, the meaning of the word 'Sanctify' is varyingly given as :
1. to make holy; set apart as sacred; consecrate. 2. to purify or free from sin: Sanctify your hearts. 3. to render legitimate or binding: to sanctify a vow. 4. to entitle to reverence or respect. 5. to make productive of or conducive to spiritual blessing. I couldn't have chosen a better word for what this special point in time graces us with - an opportunity to consecrate our own inner 'holy temple', our convergence with the Divine and to be gifted with a blessing. So much has been written elsewhere about the grand meaning and significance of this particular solstice, and from the deep place of peace created through the 12-12-12 Recalibration, it feels that no more words are necessary. We are in the process of birthing our refined and sacred self in order that we may bring that energy into action in the world. If we want to see a world of Peace, we must be that peace, in order to have love, we must be Love. This is our rebirthing into that beingness and a new cosmic cycle. The very act of physically giving birth and bringing new life into the world is indeed a Sacred act, and one which never fails to awe and inspire those who witness the emergence of new life. I therefore offer you this Sanctification process as a gift in honour of your own Rebirthing process through this sacred window in time, and with respect and love for your journey. Use this at least until the end of December, and I highly recommend using this in partnership with the 12-12-12 Recalibration. Each process builds on and refines the next, like an ever expanding spiral. This then is my gift to you & please feel free to leave any comments on the associated blog post for 21-12-12. I would love to hear from you, and others love to read about the shared experiences! For my own part, my experience whilst recording this is beyond language. The only word that comes close is Love...... _________________________________________________________________________ Listen online below, or you may download the mp3 here . The link will open a new window and allow you to download the file from the Yousendit server. You may freely share this mp3 and it is a great meditation to work with in groups as it amplifies the energy. If you enoyed this meditation, please consider making a small donation within your means so that we can continue to make free offerings available that will reach many more people.
With gratitude and love. Your diamond, when viewed from a 45 degree angle appears as a hexagon. The above image by Nyako Nakar while representing Metatron's cube, also represents a 2-dimensional form of your diamond (your Higher dimensional lightbody projected as a flat 2-d image)
The beautiful Jewel in the Heart Light Code used in this Sanctification process. You may download this image and print it out for your personal use here
This code has varyingly been described by some highly intuitive people who have 'worked' with it as being : - Spiritual DNA, - A Capital Letter for the Light Code language. It is the code for activating or aligning the Heart Energy as without this it would difficult to align with the other codes coming in later so we had or needed this first opening and strengthening of the heart centre - A key, an opening - Pure Love For me, it is all of these things as well as being symbolic of the 'fusion' of cosmic energy with the physical body through the breath and the blood. Both oxygen and the iron in the blood cells have an octahedral form in their pure state. This code represents the animation of the physical form through the breath of life -a gift from the Divine. It is a bridge created between the heart of the Divine and our human heart. It therefore seems fitting that this is the code that was presented as the facilitator for the sacred 'rebirthing' and sanctification process. Watch The Shift of the Ages free online until 21 Dec. This film is a moving testament to the journey of modern Mayan elder, Wandering Wolf (Don Alejandro), his mission, message and the real prophecies of the Maya.
The Shift of The Ages |