Diamond Equinox Online Event : September 21 2014
Time : 3.00 pm UK, 10.00 am (EST) , 8.00 am (MDT) , 7.00 am (PDT) The 21 September is designated as International Peace Day Equinoxes are about balance and and they mark the change in seasons. They are our reminder from nature and the 'natural way' to restore right relationship - with ourselves and others. To make right and restore balance requires us to go within, find out what in the shadow requires shifting so that we can move forward in peace and under the guidance of the heart. What we see playing out on the world stage is nothing less than the collective projected shadow of humanity - untransformed, disturbed and heavily polarised. During this equinox gathering, we will seek to restore and strengthen our personal inner peace through deeper purging and transformation of our own shadow and then amplifying our healed aspects through the diamond grid into the global arena. This requires strength and presence that we will also build during the process, as we bring in the apsects of Christ Consciousness required to fortify our journey. A real sacred journey! I look forward to seeing you on 21 September for another potent Diamond Equinox process. As always, if you are unable to join us live, you will receive the recorded event shortly afterwards so you won't miss out! £15 (approx. $24) or make a love donation
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"Hi Julie - just worked with the March equinox meditation woa AMAZING. My whole being resonated and vibrated with the process. So profound. Keep up the good work"
Pam, UK |