21 December 2020 : Solstice, Great Conjunction & Positive Timeline
Group Teleclass with teachings and Energy Alignment
Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT, 5.00 pm UK
No matter what is being attempted by way of external control, there is a huge shift in frequency now manifest upon our planet that will not be turned back. The cosmic influences, together with the hearts and minds of humanity herald a permanent positive timeline that will begin to unfold through grassroots actions of each and every one of us.
We are indeed living through an evolutionary time and a monumental shift that is the reason we have all chosen to be here at this time. Being able to hold your light through whatever transpires is the most important thing you can offer the world through this incredible time. Things may not immediately look the way you anticipated or expected just yet, however your steadfast trust in your innate beingness and your love for humanity will continue to embed the positive timeline for an assured positive outcome. We are the wave, the tsunami, the energy of change and no adverse agendas can hold back this light if we refuse to allow our beauty and love to be crushed.
"It is unstoppable, we are in that energy right now. This is happening irrespective of any new rule or law, it is way bigger than your nightly news. So be a warrior for the light, a renegade for the light! Do not let your light dim. You are a prize-winning surfer who is going to catch that wave of energy and make the perfect surf to land higher up the beach than you have ever done . . . .you are a master. Blessings to you all, we are all in this together" Pam Gregory
This grand conjunction is supporting our journey forward through one of the most important Solstice energy windows we have yet experienced.
Join our loving diamond community for this special teleclass and energy process as we amplify the diamond light of love, purity and transparency into the world!
Recordings are provided if you are unable to join us Live.
The teleclass + energy process will last approx. 90mins.
USD $30
Join 21 December
When you subscribe to Golden Diamonds Membership, the 11 September webcast is automatically included in your membership,along with a library of teleclasses and regular online discussion opportunities