22 April 2022 : Teleclass and Diamond Energy Process
Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT 5.00 pm UK
So many books/courses/seminars and teachings have been devoted to the concept of Self Love over the years that I think it could probably fill an encyclopedia! What is a relatively simply concept has become enmeshed within a complex emotional terrain that we constantly seek to disentangle ourselves from. Self-Love has (perhaps sometimes erroneously) been associated with such ideas as having a positive outlook, optimism, selflessness (or selfishness, depending on which end of the spectrum of polarity you are associated with!), as the 'cure' for all that ails us, self-nurturing and self-care or even as 'divinely' insipred creativity. When we fall into sadness, doubt, pain, grief or a negative mindset, we often then judge ourselves & possibly feel we are lacking in capacity to truly love ourselves. There are nuggets of truth in many of these, and yet Love can flow through all of these states of being without being exclusive to any. The lenses of Love are many, and all are experienced through the flow and divine thread that connects all aspects of our being as well as us as humanity.
Between the Taurus full moon and the new moon solar eclipse on 30 May, the Taurean influence provides us with an opportunity to experience Love through a different lens - as freedom, truth, Self in relationship to others and community, to love our imperfections as well as perfections, to surrender to the powerful and intense transformational process and unrelenting challenges while loving ourselves through it all. To reloacte our sense of security to our internal being and strengthen into that when our external security signals are being unsettled, destabilised, scrambled and threatened. To find Love in pragmatic wisdom and faith in our ability to withstand external control, to endure and to overcome.
To following extract from Sarah Varcas provides us with a great summary of where we are at with the moon's north node in Taurus until July 2023.
"Astrologically, the moon’s north node acts as a progress-marker and reveals the secret ingredient to obtaining fulfillment and satisfaction. It shows us how to more deeply occupy our humanity and manifest a future more fully aligned with the evolutionary arc of awakening. But it also demands we sacrifice the security of familiarity for a challenging but ultimately more effective and satisfying way. The north node has been in Gemini since May 2020, during which time the Geminian realm of information, communication, thought, ideas and relationality has been very much in the forefront. Our world has changed beyond measure in this time, and much has been revealed for those with eyes to see and hearts bold enough to know. It has been a time of cerebral debate, of ideas and theories, beliefs, facts and deceptions, all swirling around us demanding attention. It has been overwhelming and enlightening, confusing and clarifying. Many have awoken to bitter truths about our world, those with whom we share it and others who have shaped it for many a long year. But in the bitterness has been found great hope, immense potential, visions of a different way and countless new possibilities. Indeed, many have entered an entirely new paradigm while the north node journeyed through Gemini. So what now, as it shifts from the airy, mind-oriented world of the twins, into the earthy, pragmatic and sensual world of Taurus, the bull?
The Great Divide : With the conclusion of the node’s journey through the sign of the twins, humanity is splitting into two streams, two very different paradigms. The twins are going their separate ways! And that’s okay. We don’t have to drag everyone with us. Our task is simply to live our truth. Secure our peace. Occupy our heart. It will show us the way and bring to us those with whom we can walk it. People will come and go. Old connections will fall away and new ones arise. Our new world is taking shape. Community is building, connections are being forged. We are finding our soul friends and family, even as those with whom we’ve walked this far drift in other directions. It’s all okay. Truly. It is what it is. We are who we are. This is a time of revelation. Of living our truth so fully that it revitalises our every cell. This is the time we finally discover that we cannot be anything but who we are, whatever the consequences! Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius as the north node enters Taurus. The coming year and a half will see yet more revelations and the mind (Mercury) of humanity (Aquarius) will be further broken open to the blinding truth of how the old world came to be. But this awakening to truth is largely an inner journey now. It cannot be precipitated by external input anymore. The past eighteen months of the North Node in Gemini was a time of debate and discussion, the sharing of ideas and opinions, facts and fallacies. The node’s shift into Taurus brings this time to a close. We either see, or we don’t see. And only intimacy with our deepest inner knowing can shift us from one position to the other" www.astro-awakenings.co.uk
In addition to the north node there are the specific influences adding to the mix. Being real is to be fully in love with every part of ourselves so that we can weave that love not only through our own being, but anchor that thread so that the golden light and harmonic of love can be woven through the tapestry of humanity.
Join me for this month's exploration, as we ground and embody more Love to become ever more Real !
The teleclass + process is approx. 90 mins and is offered on a donation basis, so no-one is excluded. If you are unable to join Live, you will still receive the recording!
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