Time : 2.00pm ET, 1.00 pm CT, 12.00 noon MT, 11.00 am PT, 7.00 pm UK
"There is a time of reckoning, When I need to clean up my act, Own what I've done and carry on, Because there's no going back.
This is a time when we may be confronted with our shortcomings which can lead to us ridding ourselves of bad habits and more. Rather than remain in the fantasy that we are innocent regarding anything hurtful, we can instead own that we are "imperfectly perfect." Imperfect in the sense that we are human, and perfect in knowing that all pain ("imperfection") and suffering is the result of a lack of consciousness and can be used as a vehicle to expand our consciousness (evolve). As long as we use every experience to awaken our hearts and liberate our consciousness, then it has fulfilled its highest purpose. We can both admit that we made a mistake (or maybe two for some of us LOL!) and rejoice at the opportunity of becoming a better person because of it. Let's all turn the "you're bad," into "I'm good!" Kaypacha, https://newparadigmastrology.com/
Literally a week after our January community gathering I had the tragic news that my youngest sister who was in South Africa had taken her own life. In the way of truly divine synchronicity, our last teleclass and energy process on 12 January was 'Cracking open the Seed' - giving us the opportunity to begin growing through our vulnerability. I was catapaulted into a place of deep vulnerability in the weeks that followed, through the grieving process as well as multiple other emotional wounds that were lit up in the spaces that had been cracked open.
I was not in a position to be able to fly from the USA to South Africa at the time, and so the hands-on details that are a necessity of the ending of somebody's physical life, were left to my elderly mom and two remaining sisters. This of itself stirred up deep wounds within the family dynamic that led to additional traumas being experienced by all. Finding the space within me for compassion, forgiveness, and love in the face of loss, grief, disappointment, hurt, betrayal, judgment and disrespect was an enormous challenge in the weeks that followed. I doubt I could have reached the place of incredible insight, appreciation and love without the infallible support of dear friends and many within the Diamond Community, who held such a loving presence to enable me to process through the onslaught.
I will be sharing some of the incredible awarenesses, learnings and teachings with you in this energy process - I know it is short notice, however, it had to be on 22/2 which represents a continuation of the energy we anchored in January. I also have been unable to articulate anything in writing up until this point !
We will deepen our understanding of the concepts of compassion, empathy and a higher frequency heart resonance in this teleclass and energy process. This will ultimately enable you to navigate your own path or journey through life with greater ease and grace, which is my gift back to you and the collective.
Join us by clicking on the button below. Recordings are provided if you are unable to join us Live.
The teleclass + energy process will last approx. 90mins. ($25)
When you subscribe to Golden Diamonds Membership, this webcast is automatically included in your membership,along with a monthly Meet-up.