22 Jan 2022 : Teleclass and Diamond Energy Process
Time : 5.00 pm UK, 6.00 pm Central Europe 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT
2022 is here and filled with potential! The 6 numerology of this year is associated with, among other things, love, harmony in relationships, loyalty, honesty, beauty, goodness, moral integrity and the spirit of service.
Looking back at 2021 (a 5 year numerologically), it is indisputable that the change this energy represents has impacted all of our lives in multiple ways. We have been through a period of growth, where the inner tensions around freedom, vitality, health and capacity for adventure have been highlighted through the challenges presented. Many people sought new ways to work around the 'rules', focussed on information, analytical reviews and making changes to lifetimes of embedded patterns, coming to learn and understand their world in a new and vital way!
This year, 22 nd of each month brings us an energy to align with building our new visions for how we know the world can be (22 = master builder!), mastering and moderating all that was learned last year in alignment with the Higher principles of life and living. The influxes of energy that were felt tangibly following the December Solstice have been building in intensity and fuelling inner transformation. Look at how far we have come and how much has been awakened within society over the past 2 years, and the resolve that has become established to commit to a powerful and positive course of action. What an amazing energy we have available to us for restructuring not only our life, but systems that truly align with the living intelligence of nature to ensure a better future for humanity.
Each month of this year on the 22nd, our teleclasses will focus a lens on the attributes and frequencies of a higher way of living, exploring aspects such as integrity, honesty, care, accountability, diligence, balancing the mind with intuition and the heart/body, trust, responsibility, self-determination, sacrifice and most importantly - the embodiment of Love.
We are building the foundations of new systems and interations based on that fundamental, universal and eternal quality that informs all of Life. This is a year of embedding and expressing that! It is a true Diamond year.
Join us for our first teleclass and Diamond energy process of 2022 on 22 January and become part of the momentum towards humanity's true destiny.
Joining as always is by donation so nobody is excluded & recordings are also provided if unable to attend Live.