22 SEP 2022 Equinox : Teleclass and Diamond Energy Process
Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT 4.00 pm UK
Date : 22 September 2021 Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT 5.00 pm UK
The equinox is always a powerful, natural time to assist us in restoring balance as a mirror of nature's cycles and as indicated by our sun-earth relationship. Peace is a natural outflow of the equinox alignment as we are supported in moving inwards into that inner state.
To a great extent, our ability to achieve these inner states depends upon our willingness to reconcile our past, so that forward movement is more deeply aligned with the new frequencies. Very often, we remain bound to what we perceive as past situations and lower frequency emotional states by a magnetic connection forged through the natural magnetic qualities of the iron in our blood, and connected to the earth through the electromagnetics of 'false' or imposed earth grids. As many of you may be aware, the natural grids of earth have long since been hijacked, rendering many so-called 'sacred sites' ineffective or lacking in the natural power they may have originally been designed to harness or express. The overarching result is what we now see so clearly as an 'inverted world', where somehow war=peace, green policies harm the environment, health is imposed by harmful policies and so on. It is a reversal of polarity of all that is natural, positive and life-affirming for all of humanity.
Our own personal 'grids' have also been hijacked by indoctrinated belief systems, leaving us locked into magnetic loops that bind us to various physical locations through the overlaid grids - the strongest of these is with the electromagnetic imprints at our place and time of birth.
Our capacity to demagnetise, realign, stabilise, integrate and balance is paramount in being able to access the depths and purity of our being as well as to initiate and maintain a powerful self-healing ability. Moving into the future, the natural world, nature's principles and our full participation within a new ecosystem will become more and more important for effective creation of new ways of being. Liberating ourselves from all the places where we remain hooked in to what does not serve, facilitates a connection with our true power.
Join us for an equinox realignment as we demagnetise and unhook from any time loops still holding us bound to the inorganic 'matrix'!!
The teleclass + process is approx. 90 mins and is offered on a donation basis, so no-one is excluded. If you are unable to join Live, you will still receive the recording!
Join us by registering using the donation button below!