Our next online Diamond Community Gathering is scheduled for 23 May 2015
When : 23 May 2015 5.00 pm UK 12.00 pm EDT 10.00 am Mountain Time On this day, we have another GAP day amplification portal , giving us an opportunity to dissolve all that stands in the way of being able to live truly from the heart and our diamond Self. May 23rd in the Tzolkien calendar is aligned with the energy of the 'White Dog', giving us an opportunity to live from the heart with unconditional Love and access our deep inner truth. It is also ruled by Spectral Tone 11, enabling us to release and dissolve any inner obstacles to living the path of the Heart. On May 23rd there is also a global March Against Monsanto protest that has been called, asking people to say No to the life degrading practices and foods being forced upon the citizens of planet earth (http://seedfreedom.info/events/march-against-monsanto-worldwide/). When we understand the hermetic principles of 'as within-so without', we can see that companies like Monsanto represent the extent to which humanity has drifted from a life governed by true heart principles. Being able to stand up and say NO is a powerful indication of the desire to return to the dwelling place of the True heart, to a life imbued with the essence of Soul. Being able to engage with this force that flows within and through us, requires us to soften and release all barriers through forgiveness, to hold a space of gratitude for all that is present in our lives, and to facilitate deeper opening of the heart through Divine Grace. Our diamond community gathering on this day is therefore focussed on strengthening our own pathway into our hearts, and then resonating this through and into our communities. There is no doubt that our world requires an infusion of these frequencies - Let's support the growing awakening with the magnificent amplification of this through our connection diamond Beingness! We will be working also with the energy of the White Crow as a sacred supporting animal. Some Interesting Information about Crow : Crow guides the magic of healing and the change in consciousness that will bring about a new reality. You can rest assured whenever Crows are around, magic is nearby and you are about to experience a change in consciousness. Crow can give you the courage to enter the darkness of the void, which is the home of all that is not yet in form. Crow is an omen of change. When you meet Crow, he could be telling you that there will be changes in your life and that possibly you should step back from the usual way you view reality and look into the inner realms. Be prepared to let go of your old thinking and embrace a new way of viewing yourself and the world. The Crow signals that you have transcended mortal law, and to permit your own higher self to become your leader. When you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide, your sense of feeling alone will vanish. Your personal will can then emerge so that you will stand in your truth. Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, and know your life’s mission, and balance past, present, and future in the now. Shape-shift that old reality and become your future self. Allow the bending of physical laws to aid in creating the shape-shifted world of peace. Like Crow, we need to see the connection between past, present, and future. Crow’s message is clear ~ what you think today creates your future. Honor the present in love, forgiveness and gratitude. You can change your past, your present, and mold your future. Source : http://www.mypoweranimals.org/birth_totem-crow-september_22rd-October_22nd.html PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS HEART INFUSION! Duration of webcast with energy processes, approx. 90 minutes If you are unable to attend Live, you will receive the recording shortly afterwards, so you won't miss out! £22 (approx. $35) or make a love donation
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