Our next online Diamond Gathering will be on 25 April 2015!
When : 25 April 2015 6.00 pm UK 1.00 pm EDT 11.00 am Mountain Time “The process of inspiration is a gradual releasing of your inner breath through the fabric of your reality and out into the world. By its very nature the Gift of Inspiration is spiritual because it serves to loosen the hold of your mental constructs, opening and expanding your capacity for love.” Richard Rudd, www.genekeys.net When we are divinely inspired, our creative endeavours will always guide us to the places and people where powerful synchronicities intersect. These opportunities come to us as impulses, bursts of insight, heartfelt desires...and will always guide us into a space of fulfillment of heart and soul. This webcast and energy process will uilise the special cosmic dispensation of the day to enhance our ability to create within the flow of divine magic and synchronicity. Literally attuning to the 'Breath of the the Divine' through us. The 25 April is a GAP Day, a cosmic opportunity to enhance our connection with the universe of potential and possibility that lives within us. The qualities we are gifted with on this day, make this a portal for the realisation of divine magic, a freshness breathed through us on the White Solar Wind and amplified through this portal. The energies of this day (Kin 22) based on the Tzolkien calendar are characterised by Solar Tone 9 and the pulse of Intention and underpinned by the Wavespell of the White Wizard ('Creating Magic and Feeling Empowered'). "May the Energy of the White Wind help me to communicate from the Spirit and flow in Divine Inspiration" (For more information about the Tzolkien calendar, please see www.mayankin.com) During this webcast and energy process, we will work with Gene Key 61, igniting the gene sequences that support our inner inspirational flow, and connecting with the breath of the Divine that ultimately runs through the fabric of ALL of life. For more information about the Gene Keys, please see www.genekeys.net As an animal ally, we will also work with the Snow Leopard who teaches us, among other things, about the power of silence, mindfulness and paying attention - hearing the whispers on the breath of the wind. Snow Leopard, as a sacred white animal totem, also shows us how to be a fearless leader, enhance intuition, stalk your dreams and when to hold counsel and when to act on the inspirational impulse. A powerful ally indeed for this special GAP Day. Join us for the continuing diamond adventure beyond the intensity of the recent shifts. The world needs unleashed inspiration and fearless leaders to further the transformation! Duration of webcast with energy processes, approx. 90 minutes If you are unable to attend Live, you will receive the recording shortly afterwards, so you won't miss out! £22 (approx. $35) or make a love donation
Buy Now : £22 (approx $35)
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