A Global Diamond Energy Process
28 May 2014 : Emotional Body Purification (Embodying the Pearlescent Frequencies) The exquisiteness of trust and Divine guidance brings us to a place in our journey where we are given the opportunity to embody the finer frequencies of the pearlescent energy gifted by and through the diamond. A number of individuals have spontaneously begun to see and access the Pearlescent energies in their healing work, and having passed through the portals in April, we are being given an opportunity to embody and begin to distribute these energies into the diamond grids. With the most beautiful synchrnicity, I was guided to also create a new Diamond Goddess essence created from 2 pearls I had been gifted with in the most amazing way. This essence was initiated on the full moon eclipse in April, was charged up through the Cardinal Grand cross and completed on the Solar eclipse of 28 April. The essence itself is highly supportive over this time and assists us in literally integrating the pearlescent energies and elevating our emotional bodies to merge with the spiritual heart. The energies of 28 May based on the Mayan Tzolkien are perfect support for this day, being not only a GAP day, but a day aligned specifically with the unconditional Love of the high heart and influenced by the lunar tones (hence connecting with the moon and the emotional body). Energetically, Pearl acts as a lens or filter through which the laser like qualities of the Diamond are 'softened' and made accessible to many more individuals as we progress with filling in the foundations of our future reality. The healing of emotional fragmentation deepens our release from the psychic traumas held within the inter-generational and ancestral timelines, strengthens our ability to embody peace, unconditional love, self-acceptance, self worth and higher values. As we connect together with the Pearlescent frequencies and infuse the diamond grid with them, we create a new foundational level of support for those who are ready to either begin their journey or who need the courage to take their inner journey to a new level. All is connected with the work we were tasked with to help bring about a new world of peace, respect, love and honouring of sacredness. This is a call to all Diamond Warriors, the ultimate 'rainbow tribe' to join us in restoring sacredness to the fabric of life - current, past and future! I will be sharing a short presentation with further explorations of the value and significance of the Pearlescent energy prior to our collective process on 28 May, so please join us for a powerful and loving healing experience! Event : Emotional Body Purification When : 28 May 2014 Time : 19h00 GMT 15h00 EST 14h00 Mountain Time 13h00 PST £15 (approx. $24) or make a gift donation of whatever you can afford.
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28 May : Mayan Tzolkien
White Lunar Dog - Galactic Activation Portal - KIN: 210 Wavespell : The Moon May the energy of the White Dog help me to get connected with the Truth from my Heart and feel unconditional Love I am guided by the power of Communication Green Castle Fifth Castle of Transcendence Closes the cycle For more detail on the influences of this day, please visit : http://mayankin.com/daily-tzolkin/ |