![]() 8-8-8 Lions Gate Star Portal
Healing the Wounded Masculine Time : 19h00 (UK) 14h00 EDT 12h00 MDT 11h00 PDT The Lions Gate Star portal as it is called is intricately linked with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius that opens a 'portal to the power of the heart' each year in the month of August. The mystique and sacred symbolism associated with the star Sirius runs like a thread through all indigenous and spiritual traditions. Our alignment with the heliacal rising of Sirius connects us with our sun as a portal into greater cosmic alignment. This year we have a so called 'triple' numerical day on 8 August : 8:8:8. There is no doubt that there has been an increased intensity of cosmic energies over the past few months as a build up to this time, and this going to continue through the next few months at least. " 8:8:8 is a celebration beyond time that escorts us home to the Stars. The very ends of our DNA open to embrace a new connection with the star nations. August 8, (8-8) is composed of the marriage of matter and antimatter. It is a place were the polarities meet and heaven and earth sip from each other's glass. It is a celebration beyond time that escorts us home. The fearlessness needed in the next step of our journey is non-negotiable and not refundable Everything has lent itself to the Now - every incarnation, every word, every love, every hate. Time known and unknown conjuncts itself, as the time chains of the universe kinks. Come Journey back and forth between time. Everything on Earth comes from the Stars. We literally are made of Stardust. As we move past the limitations of this contained universe, we come closer to galactic center and remembering our star heritage. You are a living vortex, a living light, an emissary of what is good about humanity August 8, is a Natural doorway. Nothing forced, nothing prodded. A natural remembering as the timing chain of the universe pauses to recalibrate itself. The 8:8:8 is symbolic of the human DNA plus one. What comes to be, has not yet unwrapped its protective coatings. These time-veiled records are held within in a crystalline code, which exists within each strand of DNA of the entire Universe" Gillian McBeth-Louthan www.quantumawakening.com In the build up to 8:8:8 and since the sun entered the astrological constellation of Leo, we have also seen the 'shadow' masculine brought into stark focus in the collective consciousness. We have witnessed a surge of anger, loathing and indeed hatred brought to the surface as a result of the tragic demise of Cecil, Zimbabwe's (now famous) Lion. It is interesting to note that under the influence of the cosmic Lion, hearts have been opened. The issue is not just about one lion - it represents the surfacing of much deeper 'masculine' wounds within the human psyche. In this Lion's Gate gathering, we will therefore focus on and seek to utilise the energies of the portal to bring healing to the wounded masculine within all of us, restoring the'divine' DNA blueprints and codes. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS SACRED DIAMOND EVENT ON 8 AUGUST! If you are unable to join us live, you will receive the recording of the event as soon as possible afterwards so you won't miss out. When : 8 August 2015 Time : 19h00 (UK) 14h00 EDT 12h00 MDT 11h00 PDT You can register using one of the options below. £15 (approx. $24) or make a gift donation of whatever you can afford.
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