Time : 17h00 (UK)18h00 Central Europe 12h00 noon EDT 10h00 MDT 09h00 PDT
"The shape of the number 9 forms the basis of a spiral which reflects the combined motion of creativity and evolvement" www.creativenumerology.com
9 is a number that links us with insight, generosity, emotion, compassion, global awareness, interpretation, diversity and strength. 9 contains a little bit of all the other numbers, as well as many unique characteristics of its own, making its influence one of universality, versatility and flexibility. It also connects us with the mysterious and unmanifest.
Mathematically, if you add 9 to any number, the resultant digits will always add up to the original number essentially leaving it unchanged. eg 6 + 9 = 15 and 5+1 = 6 (the original number). However, when you multiply any number by 9, the resultant digits will always add back to 9, 9 is the only number that works in such mysterious ways.
It is said that life is a balance of holding on and letting go, and this has never been as true as it is right now, not only in this 9 year, but also in the window of 9-9-9. If we try to move forward and hold on to the past at the same time, all we achieve is stagnation. In order to move forward, we have to release our grip and LET GO of what is holding us back. It is fear of the unknown – fear of the ‘different’ – that keeps us locked inside this cruel self-destructive system.
One of the many functions of 9 is to give us a jolt – to wake us up and make us look at what we have been unable or unwilling to see.9 places us on a journey of ever-turning steps – a metaphysical spiral staircase – on which we can never quite see what’s around the corner. Consequently, we will experience the feeling that everything is spiraling – sometimes out of control – sometimes onward and upward.
As parts of your past enter your present this year, you will also catch glimpses of future possibilities. And only by knowing exactly what you are feeling can you sense what to do next.
The square root of 9 is 3,(3×3), the number of joy, high hopes, and creativity. It is 3’s power of optimism that elevates and carries us forward. It helps us develop faith, courage, inner vision, and new ideas. It is this vibration of happiness, hope, and aspiration that we must hold on to – while letting go of our pain.
9 helps us to HEAL from past and present experience. When we are enjoying ourselves, we get the feeling that time is standing still. It isn’t – time keeps moving, but invisibly, below our perception. It is unnecessary to be constantly aware of time, and yet we are tied to such rigid schedules. One of the most important aspects of Free Will is spontaneity, which we are programmed by guilt to subdue. 9 reveals how guilt prevents movement. www.creativenumerology.com
We have an incredible window of opportunity on the 9-9-9, to allow the elevated consciousness of our diamond grid to illuminate and reveal where intrusions and influences from our past to our present are still taking place. An opportunity to release and receive at the same time, holding past and future in balance through the stability and light of our diamond body. The spiral, as well as the numbers 3.6 and 9 are intricately linked with the diamond.
Please join us for an enlightening and healing diamond journey through this 9-9-9 energetic window, as together we surf upwards on the spiral of our destiny.
If you are unable to join us live, you will receive the recording of the event as soon as possible afterwards so you won't miss out.
When : 9 September 2016 Time : 18h00 Central Europe/Africa 17h00 (UK)12h00 noon EDT 10h00 MDT 09h00 PDT
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