21 April 23 - Black Moon Solar Eclipse : Teleclass and Diamond Energy Process!
Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT 5.00 pm UK
While the actual Black Moon Solar Eclipse combination takes place on 20th April, the energy window is already open and we begin to experience the intensity a few days before as well as afterwards (and a necessary hospital appointment on 20th prevents me from holding the event on that day!)
Much has been written about this first of the 'eclipse season' occurrences, including the fact that the combination of Back Moon with the partial solar eclipse happens once in approx. 10 years. It is therefore a powerful portent & may help to cast your mind back to 2013 and significant events in your life that resulted in major change - things like relationships ending suddenly, house moves, career changes, family issues and personal awakenings or shifts in consciousness.
We usually have 2 eclipse 'seasons' per year, and from a general perspective, they provide us with huge opportunities to reassess our pathways through life, and to adjust our responses to events in light of an ever expanding consciousness. Sarah Varcas of Astro-awakenings (www.astro-awakenings.co.uk) puts it succinctly in the followin paragraph :
"Because the light of the Sun (the life-force expressed as will) is blocked by the physicality of the Moon (the life force expressed as instinct) the shape of our life at a solar eclipse often reveals the consequences of past actions and reactions. How we manage our emotions and feelings, how we respond to those of others, the stories we tell ourselves about the ‘who, what, where and how’ of our existence – all have consequences which a solar eclipse can bring into sharp relief. If we find ourselves challenged by unexpected disruption now, honest and open reflection may reveal our part in current events no matter how randomly beyond our control they at first appear. Identifying the present consequences of past actions and omissions, denials and assertions, will assist us greatly in moving forward with deeper wisdom that supports a more awakened responsiveness in future. Such a process allows for humility, not despair, to arise in the face of challenge. It asserts authority over victimhood and reminds us that everything we do has consequences, many of which are out of our grasp as soon as we’ve acted. Whilst life does indeed deal unexpected cards and everyone is blindsided sometimes, being able to trace our own footsteps and fingerprints among what may at first look like a pile of rubble enables us to take stock, ‘cowboy up’ and get back in the saddle!"
I also found a wonderful description of the energies enfolding us at the moment, opening the way to powerful new choices and opportinities - this comes from Sean Caulfield (https://www.rockartgallery.com/)fuelled by his deep understanding of the 9 waves of consciousness. I have extracted and paraphrased the key points :
- The New Moon Solar Eclipse provides with a new supporting structure. - This configuration is 'eclipsing the filter' that has been placed on our consciousness, enabling a lifting of the blindfolds on the mind and revealing what once, could not be seen - Experience a new understanding and perspective of 'unfiltered multidimensional reality' by which to steer your heart and decisions - the hearts intelligence is gradually ECLIPSING the duality of the immature conditioning of the mind, healing the wound of time and birthing inner PEACE to fuel a NEW EARTH. - This is the consciousness of the multidimensional Universe that is returning, that existed in the time of the unfiltered consciousness of the so-called 5th Wave that dominated evolution from roughly 100 000 years ago to before 5000 years ago. This was the original consciousness of what we may think of as the First peoples - the indigenous groups.
There is much to explore in alignment with these themes, and external events are already showing people that there is a different way forward that does not require compliance with perceived 'authority figures'. That we actually do have power through our choices and courage to change the timelines and generate new pathways for others!
The teleclass + process will be approx. 90 mins and joining is by donation. You will also be sent the recording if you are unable to join us live! Join below : (and please wait to be redirected to the host page afterwards which you can bookmark for the event - a reminder email with connection details will be sent out on the event day)