Releasing Anger (and Reclaiming your Power!) A free gift for December 2013
This mp3, entitled Releasing Anger is based on a process I have used often in my bodywork practice when I discover the emotion of anger suppressed and locked up in the muscles and tissues of the body. It is a powerful process that unlocks these blocks, and supports healing as well as positive energy flow. Every time we suppress an angry response, it reduces the amount of energy we have available for supporting our passion, purpose and forward momentum. Anger itself is a powerful emotion and is ultimately an energy that can be converted into fuel to drive us forward. We are often taught that anger is not an acceptable emotion, and the natural instinct is then to suppress it where it ultimately gets buried in our phsyical infrastructure. Locked up anger can lead to depression and illness, so our well being is ultimately dependant upon releasing this energy.
Anger is often associated with powerlessness and is stirred in situations where we feel powerless. Also, when we are angry, we may act impulsively or irrationally which can prompt feelings of shame and guilt afterwards. We may say hurtful things to others, or are rendered speechless because we find that we can't think clearly. How many of us have in hindsight thought of the thimgs we could have said in a rational way once we have calmed down? When we learn to manage this energy and discharge it before it either takes control (or gets buried in our body), we are able to respond in a much more powerful way - reclaiming our power and regaining greater control over our lives.
This guided journey will assist you in letting go of any anger you have stored or not acknowledged over the years, and to do so safely and without directing it in inappropriate ways. There is a soothing, healing section at the end, like a balm over wound or experiencing the calm after a storm. It is perfect for clearing and restoring our energy after a very intense year, and restoring flow for what promises to be a more upliftimg 2014!
Instructions for using the process: Before you sit down to do the process, it helps to be able to access any anger you may be holding on to. This helps your body to establish a resonance with the frequency so that it can be discharged from your energy fields and then rebalanced.
So spend a few moments recalling a time or an event that prompted you to feel or experience anger that you never had an opportunity to express, or if you did that it wasn't heard or acknowledged (this often fuels the anger). Often times it is during periods of stress that we would experience almost irrational and sometimes inappropriate outbursts of this energy. So, if you can't immediately connect with the anger, call to mind a time when you felt really stressed or frustrated about something. Allow yourself to immerse in the memory of the situation and notice what emotions arise - it may be simply frustration, irritation or full blown anger. Don't stop the process and allow the emotion to arise so that you experience it with all of your senses.
Then turn on the mp3 and follow the process through.
Once you are familiar with the process used, you can use it at any time that you feel anger and powerlessness being stirred within you. Simply excuse yourself from the situation, take 5 minutes to recreate the process and then go back and face whatever needs to be dealt with in more powerful way!
Image courtesy of Nyako Nakar, Any heartfelt donations to Diamond Light World are always greatly appreciated!
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