Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT, 5.00 pm UK
It is becoming more and more self-evident that the 2020 theme of 'vision' is not only about clarity of our own intentions, it has become a clarion call for liberating humanity's future. It is a powerful energetic push for transparency, discernment and reinforcing a clear way forward that builds upon a solid foundation of personal, economic and social balance that values ALL participants in this game of life.
What is often referred to as the 'Ascension' Timeline, is indeed the Diamond Timeline. The pressure being experienced by the imposition of external, authoritarian,ego-based and 'inauthentic', artificial ideals, is in itself enabling the necessary alchemical transformation and upgrade to life that will reinforce the natural evolutionary imperative. It is the Diamond Timeline that will take us forward. This transition is bringing many deeply held shadows up into the 'light of day', breaking down the egoic structures within and without and asking us to re-evaluate everything that we have deemed important and meaningful about all of our lives.
Diamond in it's essence is the 'remedy' for the intensely polarised state that is being induced through this apparent 'pandemic'. Consider the following deeply insightful description by Peter Tuminello on the diamond state that awaits transformation :
“What can compare to the negative state of Diamond? The diamond is the ego destroyer, dismantling all that stands between self and Self. He has a distinct negative state expressed in being hard on himself, locking into negative thoughts, experiencing an endless stream of physical or emotional obstacles, feeling undeserving of love or being unable to control his emotions. He is dark, angry and down. Many are experiencing the Diamond state now, in their day-to-day lives. It is a raw and often brutal human experience, fraught with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, awful heart-break, total disasters, severe self-abuse and extreme violence; the sorts of experience about which people say ‘I will never get over that’ or ‘I will never recover from that’. They include the loss of the most precious possessions, which can be a deeply loved ideal, a person or a thing; severe and cruel abuse; being the subject of shocking violence. They invoke a dark night of the soul experience.” Peter Tuminello, Twelve Jewels
If we look around at what is being experienced in the world right now, there is little doubt that the majority of people have been plunged into the dark or negative state of diamond, a space which holds the incredible power of potential for deep and lasting transformation and liberation. It has been said in many quarters that humanity has been plunged into a collective Dark Night of the Soul. From the perspective of homeopathy (which is Peter Tuminello's specialty), Diamond is a key 'remedy' for these times.
The Diamond Timeline, which may also be viewed as the Ninth Wave Timeline (mayan cosmology as described by Dr Carl Johan Calleman), is the timeline of unification, liberation from the lower self, joy and creation in service to the Higher Self and to the collective. It is a timeline of light, transparency, truth, reconciliation and an integrated depth of knowing that is fuelled by our reconnection the to ultimate guiding Source. It is also a strength of will and heart-directed intent to do the right thing for the love of our fellow humans, as well as all sentient beings and our global 'home'. As these attributes are realised within, our external reality itself will begin to transform. The Diamond Timeline is alive with power and the fearless dedication of those who have dug deep into their own shadows and released the brilliance of the Diamond Light, the Christ Consciousness flame within themselves in ultimate service. This becomes a beacon of living light for others to follow, and embeds the unification principles into the collective library to uplift others out of the present darkness.
Through the existing chaos, we are pressured to keep this timeline alive and brilliantly lit for others to connect in to. This is a clarion call for those who see and are able to apply their voice, their heart, their will and their light in service.
Please add your radiance for a collective initiative to reinforce the Ninth Wave - Diamond - Timeline by joining us for this event. More relevant and powerful diamond insights will be shared in the teleclass, followed by a powerful diamond energy process. Recordings are provided if you are unable to join us Live.
The teleclass + energy process will last approx. 90mins.
USD $25
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