“The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the lustre of it will never appear” Daniel Defoe ¨ ADAMANTINE The words Adamant and Diamond both derive from the Greek work adamastos, which means ‘untameable’. Throughout history, the word adamantine has been used to describe any material of extreme hardness (source : Wikipedia) The gem diamond as we know it remains the hardest known natural substance, and key to this hardness is its crystal lattice structure which is essentially cube-octahedral. The contribution of the octahedron in the lattice structure is paramount in providing the diamond gemstone with its incredible hardness and strength. The term ‘adamantine’ has also been used varyingly in spiritual literature in reference to the enduring, indestructible nature of the Divine. Ronna Herman, who is known for her channellings from Archangel Michael, often refers to “Adamantine Particles of Creator Light’. This infers the Divine nature of the diamond particles that she makes reference to. The ancient spiritual wisdom teachings of the Buddhist path of Vajrayana, is often called, among other names, The Diamond Path. It is a complex and multifaceted system of teachings that incorporates other ancient wisdoms too. For example, the Sanskrit term "vajra" denotes the thunderbolt, a legendary weapon and divine attribute that was made from an adamantine, or indestructible, substance. The vajra could therefore pierce and penetrate any obstacle or obfuscation. As a secondary meaning in addition to being a so called ‘weapon’, vajra refers to this indestructible substance, and so is sometimes translated as "adamantine" or diamond. So the Vajrayana is sometimes rendered in English as "The Adamantine Vehicle" or "The Diamond Vehicle" (ref : Wikipeadia). It can be confusing for many as the ancient teachings are written using very symbolic language. The journey, or the travelling on the path itself will reveal the true meaning of the symbolism to the seeker who is serious about knowing his own divine nature. To refer to your state of consciousness as Adamantine , or Diamond is to truly know the indestructible nature of your own divine core – not just in words, but through the inner work necessary to experience it. We essentially use our adamantine or crystalline essence to cut through the challenges and lessons inherent in our human nature on the path to eventual enlightenment. Sincere alignment with this adamantine structure or framework provides you with the inner strength (‘hardness’) to move through any obstacles with grace and ease. The more adamantine you become, the more crystalline in nature and the greater the ultimate power or force of the one Divine Source you are able to embody physically. ¨ ALCHEMY One of the key descriptors I kept receiving from my Higher Self in the initial stages of working with the Diamond Light Grid, was that it is an alchemical container or a vehicle for inner transformation. I spent some time researching the topic of alchemy in its various forms as I sought to understand this. For many, the word alchemy conjures up images of eccentric scientists trying to find the ultimate magical process for altering the physical qualities of matter itself. For many a medieval chemist, there was an inherent belief that if they could just find the legendary ‘Philosophers Stone’, they would be able to turn lead into gold by magic. Indeed, many of the endeavours during the middle ages were focussed on the ‘magical’ aspect of alchemy, and most of the attention given to trying to manifest the valuable metal we know as gold. The real purpose and gift of alchemy however, is far more broad reaching and subtle. Its deeper meaning is in the process of inner and spiritual transformation that leads us from our identification with our physical beingness (the lead), to our ultimate realisation of our Spiritual essence, Higher Self or God-self (Gold). It is therefore an inner personal process as opposed to an external ‘manipulation of matter’. Notwithstanding this fact, there are physical changes that take place in the chemical structure and make-up of our bodies too during this progression. Deep within our physical cells is a memory from the ancient past of the magic we were once capable of when we were more spiritualised human beings. It is this that keeps us still heavily focussed in the material world, looking for the mechanism, tools and magic to create the physical ‘gold’ or that which represents it on the material plane eg money, things, lifestyle etc. What we don’t realise is that the Gold that we seek is the Gold of our own Divine Essence, and until we turn our attention within we will never find what we are truly seeking. The word ‘Alchemy’ is often thought to be derived from the Greek word ‘khemia’ meaning the ‘art of transforming metals’ according to the Oxford Dictionary. The origin of the word in fact goes much further back and can be found in the pre-dynastic wisdom teachings of ancient Egypt. The land now known as Egypt was originally known as Khemit, translated as meaning ‘The Black Land’. This had nothing to do with people’s skin colour, but referred instead to the black fertile soil that characterised the original landscape. The modern word Alchemy derives from the Arab name ‘Al Khem’ and originates from around 200 AD when the Arabs first entered what we know as modern day Egypt (ref : Stephen S. Mehler, The Land of Osiris). The oral wisdom teachings of indigenous ‘Khemetians’ as they were known originated long before the Greek written language, and these oral traditions speak of the spiritual practices of the original land. These ancient practices entailed knowledge of initiations and the alchemy of inner transformation. The memory of this still resides deep within our unconscious (in the ‘blackness or the darkness’). The pyramids themselves stand as an everlasting monument to remind us of our long forgotten potentials as spiritualised human beings. Following on from the references to the 'Black Land' and the Khemetians (alchemical) teachings, I must admit that I found it rather amusing when Harry Potter, in the final movie in the series, revealed the 'Philosopher's Stone to be a Black Octahedron! The Diamond, your Diamond Light Grid is the Philosophers Stone that catalyses the process of inner transmutation, bringing the dross or ‘lead’ of the human aspect of ourselves to light and transmuting it into the ultimate Gold of Divine wisdom. Your Diamond Vehicle or Diamond Light Grid is the alchemical container in which and through which, higher understanding and your true nature is eventually revealed, ¨ ALIGNMENT Alignment is a key attribute of your Diamond Light Grid. In the correct alignment of your diamond relative to your physical body, you find an awakening takes place, no matter what your present level of consciousness may be. Many individuals think that we only awaken once, however one of the things I often speak of in my workshops or teachings, is the importance of developing courage to keep on awakening. When we are in continued alignment with our ‘God’ or crystalline consciousness, we are receptive to the ever-unfolding magnificence of our Highest Self. The definitions of the word, ‘Alignment’ provide us with a number of insights. From the Encarta Dictionary we extract the various definitions of Alignment as : - A Linear or Orderly arrangement the arrangement of something in a straight line or in an orderly position in relation to something else - Positioning of something for proper performance the correct position or positioning of different components with respect to each other or something else, so that they perform properly - Support or alliance support for, or alliance with, a person, group, argument, or point of view - Ground Plan a ground plan, for example one showing the course of a road or railroad track These definitions can be beautifully applied to the function and purpose of our Diamond Light Grid as it works to align our consciousness with our ultimate crystalline or ‘God’ self. We cannot perform properly as spiritually realised humans without: - Fully understanding our position relative to the Creator him/her self - Being able to ‘perform properly, in other words, transform and embody ever more of the frequencies of Creator Light - Having the ultimate support and alliance with our own Higher Self - Having a ground plan for the journey we are taking. I can truly say that from a decade of working personally with the diamond in the alignment I was originally given (by my Higher Self), that the above definitions are indeed so. If I had a pound (or a dollar) for every time I have said ‘wow’ over the past 20 years for every amazing insight granted through my direct experiences of alignment with my Diamond, I would be extremely wealthy now! In times of challenge, this alignment has always brought me back to my core and the real purpose for my work. I have been heard to say on frequent occasions, “the diamond brought me back on track”. It was my ever-strengthening connection or Alignment with my Higher Self through the physical structure itself, that always ensured I heard my inner voice through even the darkest of times. (That and the amazing, loving support of friends who stepped in on many occasions with much needed help!) One of the most common phrases I have heard over the years from my own clients or clients of practitioners I have taught is, that when they experience a Diamond Light Grid Activation Alignment, they feel very deeply they have “Come Home”. For some this ‘home’ is peace, for others it is beauty or a vision of an ethereal place with incredible light beings. Whichever way you experience it, your true alignment brings you home to yourself and your Divine Nature. However, staying in Alignment is probably our greatest challenge as human beings! ¨ AMPLIFICATION The diamond is a powerful amplifier of anything else that is brought into its field. If we recall that the diamond is comprised effectively of 2 pyramids connected at their base, we need look no further than some of the amazing research conducted by Russian (and other) Scientists on the properties of pyramid structures. This work has been extensive and has led to the construction of many new and modern pyramids in Russia. This research was carried out by the Russian National Academy of Sciences which includes: the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Graphite Scientific Research Institute, and the Institute of Physics in Ukraine. Among other things, the results of the research showed the following : - Immune system of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid (Leukocyte composition of the blood increased). Also increased regeneration of tissues) - Agricultural seeds placed in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield - Newborns were given solutions that had been placed in the pyramid and their health indexes increased greatly - The potency of pharmaceuticals increased with decreasing side effects. - There is an increase in survival of cellular tissue infected by viruses and bacteria – The pyramids decrease the strength of various viruses and bacteria. - Synthesized diamonds turn out harder and purer These same effects are also observable through the invoking of the shape itself (Dan A Davidson, “Shape Power”). When we create the shape of the diamond in our energy fields and then further amplify it by actually building the grid network (a fractal pattern of diamonds within diamonds), we amplify all physiological processes within our own bodies and support our self-healing processes. If we are healers, this effect also amplifies the healing effect of any other holistic practices we conduct with our clients. Whether it is reflexology, massage, acupuncture etc, all is magnified and amplified through the prism of the diamond. All that is in your consciousness, therefore becomes amplified at the vibrational level you are working at, and this effect serves to ‘speed up’ the transformational processes that eventually lead you to your ultimate crystalline nature. Here’s a wonderful simple exercise you can try that I have used over and over with both my students, as well as complete newcomers to the diamond. It provides you with a great visual understanding of the amplification effect of the diamond. You will need a partner to do this. 1. Take a pair of dowsing rods (or a pendulum will also work if you are more familiar or comfortable with that) 2. Ask your partner to stand a distance of approx.. 10 feet away from you and facing them, take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Ask your own inner guidance to show you where the boundary of their auric field is. 3. Hold your dowsing rods (or pendulum) steady, but gently in front of you, with the inner assurance that they will respond to the subtle energy signals of your partner’s energy field and slowly walk towards them. 4. As soon as you get a response from the instrument you are using, stop and mark the spot. This is the front boundary of their aura, and represents the radius from their centre. Repeat this exercise so you get your own confirmation of the information you are receiving. With dowsing rods, the signal you get may be an opening or a crossing over of the rods at the point where you establish the boundary, while with a pendulum, it may be a change in rotation or movement of the pendulum. You will need to establish your own signal. For me, I experience the dowsing rods suddenly swinging wide open at the point where I intersect with the boundary of the others’ energy field. 5. Ask your partner to repeat the exercise to determine your own energy field boundary & once you have confirmed your responses, then mark the standing position as well as the distance of the aura with an object or piece of paper on the floor. 6. Now take 5-10 minutes to sit down quietly and focus on invoking your diamond grid, asking for it to be properly aligned. There is an introductory meditation available via my website at and if you sign up for the newsletter and you will receive the free meditation. This will assist you in visualizing or aligning initially with your Diamond Light Grid. 7. Once you have done this, then repeat the exercise with the dowsing rods and notice the expansion of your energy fields. As a general guideline, this initial expansion tends to be around 2-3 feet in radius (4-6 feet in diameter) 8. This same effect is also observable with the use of the ‘White Fire’, diamond essence produced by Diamond Light World. Made with a real gem diamond, the effect is to facilitate expansion of your consciousness to assist you in realigning with your ‘Diamond Crystalline Consciousness’ or the Divine essence that you ultimately are. ¨ ANTENNA The diamond geometry is a perfect antenna, serving as both a receiver and transmitter of energy. In engineering terms, it is known that the triangular shape, and indeed the octahedron with its 8 faces of equilateral triangles is a near perfect receiver for electromagnetic energy. There are physical ‘fractal’ receiving antennas that have been engineered along these lines in order to boost their ability to receive specific broadcasted signals. An equilateral triangle in a symbolic sense is the representation of ‘God’. It is the Sacred Trinity, a concept that we find espoused in many different ways throughout all the religions and spiritual practices. By ‘Sacred Trinity’, we refer to the primordial creative forces often simply described as the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Divine Child. These forces can also be understood as electrical, magnetic and the blending of both, producing the electromagnetic waves. The equilateral triangle, harnesses the electromagnetic forces (or LIGHT waves) from Source in a harmonious fashion. The triangle guides the inflow of electromagnetic energy in a spiralling manner in accordance with the Golden Mean ratio, creating Phi spirals (the Golden Ratio is also known as the Divine ratio). This inflow of electromagnetic energy fuels the physiological and alchemical processes that take place in our physical bodies, enabling us to transfigure our materialistic nature. We are enabled to bring more of our unconscious nature into the light of crystalline consciousness. With a basic structure of 8 equilateral triangles, our Diamond acts to attract greater amounts of energy in the form of these Phi spirals, effectively boosting our access to Divine source energy. We therefore act as a walking, living antenna for the spiritual inflow of electromagnetic energy both in support of our own spiritual growth as well as being able to broadcast these signals more clearly to enable accessibility by others. ¨ AWAKENING Awakening is not simply a one-step process. I like to think of our awakening progression using the analogy of a flowering bush. When we are asleep or unconscious to who we really are, we are like the buds, full of potential awaiting to unfold. With the right combination of nutrients and nourishment (our life circumstances), the bud will eventually pop open to give a hint of what lies in store. We can stop nurturing our potential at this point and prevent the slowly opening bud from revealing its true form. In other words, we can get stuck at the first level of awakening thinking ‘this is it’. If we continue to nurture our journey by strengthening our connection and trust in our Higher Self, we are rewarded with a further awakening, and the flower begins to unfold. We begin to see more of the beauty it contains. Still, it is not yet in full bloom. Only over time, with patience, care for ourselves and the right balance of nutrients and sunshine will the flower come into full bloom, sharing its beauty with the world. And this is just a single flower – we represent multiple blooms on the perpetual tree of life and each facet of our Self that is awakened, adds to the beauty and intensity of the experience. It is our continued Alignment that maintains this awakening process, from the first stages to the full bloom. We are nourished by the Creator Light, the crystalline consciousness of the Divine, and balanced by the nutrients in the fertile soil of the human unconscious. Within the alchemical container of your diamond, these combine to provide the energy and power for the blossoms to burst forth. Also see ‘Alignment’ |
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