Your Invitation......
To join me and the Diamond Community in harnessing and optimising the power of this current transitional passage. Our Journey begins on 18 February In these early months of 2015 leading up to the first equinox many aspects of our lives are being dislodged, shaken up, transformed, renewed and for many, we are being physically moved to new locations. You may have been aware of the frequency shifts as we entered 2015, and they are intensifying, along with some powerful celestial alignments. What we are experiencing is a collective rite of passage, a pivotal journey of transition and transformation. On 16 March, we experience the final of 7 Pluto-Uranus squares that began in June 2012, followed less than a week later by the March equinox on 20th. "Both Uranus and Pluto are de-structuring agents that, while operating in very different ways, both clear away the old to make way for the new. "Similar to a snake shedding its skin," astrologer Howard Sasportas noted, "something pushes at us from deep within, impels us to move beyond old or outworn phases of life and leads the way to further growth and evolution." With Uranus it is usually the carpet swiftly pulled out from underneath us. While Pluto, as Sasportas wrote, "makes sure that we let go by obliterating the old form entirely, until there is nothing left. Demanding that a cycle end and a new one begins, Pluto leaves us with little choice other than to change or die." There is some good detail on the individual and global impact of these squares on the following website : My own physical relocation to South Africa, on Feb. 22nd is so perfectly aligned with these shifts and changes. This journey is as much about 'taking the diamond home' as it is about 'bringing it home' and all that that means. This is a further recalibration that will enable the cosmic evolutionary impulse to flow through personally and collectively. Our powerful diamond grids are the scaffolding - the new infrastructure for the waves of change and eleveated consciousness. It is a pivotal journey that is important for all of us as interconnected jewels in Indras Net. I would therefore love for as many diamond souls as possible to journey with me through the sharing of 4 specially aligned Power processes to elevate us all through this transition. Each power process is pre-recorded and recommended that you work with daily for the week (with the exception of the first 'week' which is only 6 days). I will facilitate a 'live' group experience for the first and the last week (as indicated below), which gives me an opportunity to actually 'be with you' in the process. Each process comes with notes and will be emailed to you at the start of the week to enable us all to take this journey together, no matter where in the world you are. Bringing the Diamond Home : The Journey Week 1 (18 Feb) : The Power of Your Heritage (with community call) 8.00 pm GMT Endings, clearing the slate, leaving the old and bringing forward the gifts from your ancestry. Boosting their presence and power through your DNA. I depart on 22nd Feb from the land of my birth for SA. (Note : the 18/2 is also new moon, so provides us with a powerful initiation into the journey) Week 2 (23 Feb) : Reclaiming Your Power (Pre-recorded process that will be sent to you to work with) The physical journey. Supporting inner inner stability and assisting phase synchronisation with the new that is incoming. Building inner strength and presence (I will be finding my feet and anchoring into the African earth during this week) Week 3 (3 March) : The Power of the Mirror (Pre-recorded process that will be sent to you to work with) Settling into 'new space'. Seeing things in a different light, establishing and adjusting to new perceptions, awakening to new facets of Self (During this week, I will be centreing and feeling into my new space for guidance on the time ahead) Week 4 (10 March) : The Power of your Future Self (with community call) 8.00 pm GMT New Beginnings. Powering up your inner transformation and grounding the future into the present. (This will be a week of actioning all the new potentials beginning to activate since our January gatherings) As diamond souls, we are all receiving and transmitting light that is breaking through old paradigms. This is the nature of what many are referring to as Diamond Consciousness that is fuelling the change and will ultimately assist with the emergence of new paradigms. This is an invitation to you to 'Bring Your Diamond Home', to walk with me on this transitionary journey and emit a new, vibrant light from the very heart of the diamond, in the land of diamonds. As a guideline, the usual cost for just 2 webcasts and energy processes is £22, however, please note that this is simply to give you an indication of value and in no way a requirement. A donation, however big or small will open your access for this significant journey we are taking within the global diamond network. Connection details for the live gatherings will be emailed to you separately, and the power processes will sent out each week on the scheduled date. Heart Donation for The Power of Transition |
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