"Your diamond is the temple of your awakened soul. Through the sacred chambers of your personal diamond matrix, you activate the codes of your unique divine blueprint and become the living programmers of the New Earth Unity Consciousness"
Julie Umpleby Welcome to Diamond Light World ! Diamond Light World is a sacred container dedicated to activating, exploring, sharing and understanding your spiritual evolution through the development of your Diamond Light Grid - a personal grid or 'matrix' of crystalline light. My own journey to bring many diverse aspects together has spanned decades, through the fields of science, metaphysics, biology, cosmic cycles and patterns to bring you a cohesive and extensive understanding of the power and beauty of your diamond energetic structure and its role in your Ascension. What is the Diamond Light Grid? Far from being just a spiritual analogy for soul perfection, your Diamond is actually a foundational energetic structure that helps to bridge the material and non-material worlds. It vitalises your ability to receive the many frequencies of light (and therefore information) from the universal electromagnetic spectrum. As a sacred architecture found at all levels of our known universe, your Diamond Light Grid harmonises you with the heart of all patterns and geometries that ultimately form your grandest Light Body. It is a crucible of creation, receiving, transforming and then transmitting information back to the Universal source. It is a vehicle to align your DNA with the cosmic blueprints for life, a connection to the HEART of all that is. Many people around the world are beginning to 'see' diamonds in their meditations and in other people's energy fields. This diamond fabric is a fractal pattern that can be found throughout the whole of life. There is a reason for this, for at all levels of our being we are being prepared to become that which we have always held the seed potential for - the embodied divine expression of the universe itself. The Living Creatrix. On the many pages of this website you can explore some the facets of your Diamond Light Grid, why it is important, where it comes from and how you can build and develop this body of light. In addition we feature the Diamond Light Codes, a language of light that that 'speaks' to your soul through the beauty of geometric forms and colour. These very special geometric images received as a transmission in 2003, transcend words and communicate directly to your unconscious self, transmitting their information to your DNA. They are also an integral aspect of your Diamond Light Grid and support the new alignments of your DNA. Spend a while and hear your soul's voice stir within as you reactivate the energy of your personal Diamond Light Grid through the pages you will find here. Rest into your being and know that you are on your journey home! "When the soul becomes divine it becomes a diamond, reflecting the divine light and forming an aura of delicate tints around itself. Such is the perfect Human Soul ; the human soul aspires towards perfection".......Peter Deunov For our latest Diamond Promotions, click here "The Diamond is the Sacred Octahedron, the Jewel in the unfolding Lotus of your Greater Self. It is in you and it IS YOU. It is Peace. It is energetic balance giving you access to your Grandest Self and the Navigator of your life. To work with it is to open yourself to all of the possibilities and potential that are within. It is an access key to your soul body and a core subtle energy architecture that aligns you with the patterns of the universe" Julie Umpleby
The iconic image featured here is a Diamond Light Code aptly called The Jewel in the Heart.
It supports the opening of deeper recesses of the heart to bring calm, peace and loving joy into your life.. It is a vehicle, a sacred symbol created from light, for reconnecting you with the heart of your essence. Humanity is in the process of evolving
There is no longer any doubt that we are in the midst of a major transition on our planet! This transition is impacting us all on every level - emotional, physical, mental and spiritual, and externally is being manifest as changes in every sphere of our life. Our social, political, environmental and financial systems are all breaking down so that we can establish a Higher order, a new way of being.
These changes are being promulgated by intense waves of cosmic energy coming at us through our sun from deep in our galaxy. We are all being 're-booted' in order to align with the Higher way of being which requires us as individuals and as a species to live more deeply from the heart. The so-called awakening is happening before our very eyes and we are all a vital part of this transformation. The intensity of this new energy, along with changes in the electromagnetic stability of our own planet means that our personal energy fields are changing, and in fact NEED to change in order for us to align, access and utilise this highly charged, spiritual energy. This is where the DIAMOND LIGHT GRID takes on such an important role, and it is a vital aspect of the very evolution of our humanity. The DIAMOND LIGHT GRID is a sacred architecture, a CRYSTALLINE MATRIX OF LIGHT that is restructuring our auric fields to take on the form of an octahedral diamond - 2 pyramids joined base to base. In the same way that many are describing new planetary grids (also known as paradise grids), so too is your personal energy field requiring an alignment to this form through the architecture of the diamond. The macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm and vice-versa. As above, so below. The DIAMOND grid network is reflected as a deep organising principle throughout the universe - from the way that galaxies cluster together, to the way that our DNA spirals in its perfected form. Your personal Diamond Light Grid therefore, is your link to a Higher Level of Consciousness. At the symbolic level it represents a deep impulse to recognise our own perfection and true place in this universe. It is no mistake that the gem diamond is used to symbilise love, beauty, perfection and esteemed value. It represents our soul's attaiment of spiritual perfection and a deep connection with the Highest aspects of our being. You may find it interesting to note that the strength of the gem diamond - widely recognised as the hardest stone, is as a result of the internal arrangement of its atoms forming in an octahedral - cubic structure. This same strength is what your DIAMOND LIGHT GRID brings to your energy fields, enabling you to hold and utilise far higher quantities of super-charged, high frequency energy. It also strengthens your emotional, mental and phsyical bodies providing you with the means at all levels to expand and evolve while holding your personal space with a greater degree of balance and authentic power. It is the vehicle for recalibrating you to your Highest expression and the energy of your soul. It is your conduit to Source and an embodiment of the heart of All that IS. You are a part of this ever strengthening grid of light weaving its form across the planet. Take up your place as we reconnect humanity with its original diamond blueprint and co-create a more harmonious world. It all begins with us! |