When : 16 July Time : 5.00 pm (UK), 12.00 Noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00am PT
This eclipse season is really digging deep into the timelines to bring the personal and collective shadow to light, and is showing up as increased polarisation.
The partial lunar eclipse on July 16, can impact us in a number of ways by triggering intense emotions and spontaneous, potentially compulsive behavior. It brings the potential for a personal crisis revealing deeply buried memories and psychological trauma. Power struggles, abuse of power, manipulation, jealousy, and lies are highlighted along with possible exposure of dark secrets.
Other planetary aspects influence a widening of the polarity between masculine and feminine energy, with the influence of Eris, a female warrior archetype, strengthening the rising feminine. This supports us through the Lunar Eclipse by also emphasising empathy and understanding as a way to bring about lasting change out of the strife and discord. The result is the embedding of holograms (ninth wave) of higher ethical and moral standards, especially regarding the treatment of women in all areas of life.
There is potential for bruised and battered egos, opening the way for yielding, trust and deeper connection to your higher/inner guidance. We will be experiencing an enhancement of polarity manifest externally in the world as intensified drama, reputations being destroyed and personal attacks from the polarised viewpoints. Our task, personally is to increase our strength in balancing the space between the extremes - to do this for ourselves by being aware of the challenges and our inner polarities and to manage a 360 degree perspective to 'transcend' the polarisation. Our inner masculine - feminine (ego-spirit) relationship will be highlighted for transformation.
This is a teleclass + energy process that will support your personal ascension journey and elevate your frequency.
As always, if you are unable to join us Live, you will receive the recording shortly afterwards, so that you don't miss out.
As a special note, I will be facilitating a brand new program starting on 25 July that will refine your destiny in accordance with the advancing waves of consciousness. It has been a while since I introduced a focussed program & this will align you with your destiny as well as guidance for living and thriving in these transition times! Click Here to join us.
Single webcast (approx. 90 minutes) is $25 The recording as well as extracted mp3's will be available shortly after the event and are yours permanently
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