5 and 20 June 2 Group Teleclasses with teachings and Energy Alignments
Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT, 5.00 pm UK
Instead of death and destruction, Creating further division, It can ignite compassion, Forgiveness and resurrection. (Kaypacha)
The current world events are not just huge in their scope and implications, they are Monumental. As the collective unconscious erupts, we are being deluged by an unavoidable fall-out of psychic debris that has been 'lying beneath' so that we can evolve. Our collective initiation into a new reality is in full swing and the fact that is a drawn out process is likely to come as a shock to those still holding onto a belief of 'instantaneous ascension'. This has been thousands of years of suppression, oppression and abuse in the making, and everything that is staring us in the face is both personal and collective. Past actions that have brought us to this point, along with lies, deception and manipulation that have distorted the unconscious matrix of humanity are revealed and call out for acknowledgment and healing.
"A heads up! We are already experiencing the jarring discomfort and disconnect of the extremely seismic Triple Eclipse Gateway .Two days away from the first eclipse with the Node of Fate in Gemini since 2002 and the karmic chickens of polarisation, racism and inequality I predicted are coming home to roost .The dissonance between lip service and reality -the Emperor’s new clothes-is out there in full view. In this life changing Eclipse tunnel between May 22 and July 21st, this is one of the most important pivot points when choices made now will have immediate karmic bounce back. Whatever is happening out there, choose the path of the High Heart. The collective heart-based field is strong and will be boosted,charged and amplified by the wild card eclipses on June 5th,June 20th and July 5th." Lorna Bevan
The ship of humanity has been cast loose from its moorings and is now sailing into stormy seas. There are no guaranteed outcomes, and in this 'fluid' substrate, there is no longer a rug to sweep things under. Everything is being seen and we having to navigate often unforeseen challenges, events and obstacles - all of which are ultimately designed to support us to extend our boundaries, to grow and evolve.
There are multiple and very intense cosmic influences working alongside the eclipses this month and the impact of these will be experienced throughout and beyond the month of June. Traditionally the lunar eclipse (5 June) emphasises emotions, and we are faced with the emotional turmoil that is there for all to see! The goddess of love (Venus) is deep in the underworld leaving us stripped bare and humbled, in the dark, peeling back the ego and taking us right back to the fundamentals of life and our own survival. "Who am I, what am I, what do I want, what does life want from me, what is my nature?".
Expansion of consciousness usually only happens at the point of total surrender to the divine spark that breaths life into our very being. Surrender to our hearts, to the softness of the feminine principle - over and over. However, the feminine and masculine principles are currently conflicting and creating the waves of turmoil, making integrating difficult. What is the best and most appropriate action given a specific set of circumstances? While we tend to think of action as being predominantly a masculine trait, there is also the fierceness and destructive principle of the divine feminine who seeks to break down that which does not serve life and creation. Where to act? How to act? What is best (and for who?).
This whirlpool of emotions and deep, underlying, evolutionary forces at work is tumultuous and can be confusing to navigate. Also evident is the movement of the 'kundalini' energy at this time - again, personally and collectively. For those who have already experienced an awakening of this energy, it will be familiar, however for those within whom it is spontaneously activating now, it can be a very surreal and confusing process.
During this month, I will be facilitating 2 teleclasses, along with energy processes that will provide support, knowledge and energy processes to assist you move through this time. These will also include an overview and some insight into the kundalini energy, which in and of itself is an evolutionary impulse that may present in a multitude of ways.
This is truly a point of no return for us personally and as a human race. Things will never return to the way that they were. The ultimate outcomes are up to each and every one of us and our choices on a moment by moment basis.
Join us for the journey of a lifetime!
Recordings are provided if you are unable to join us Live.
Each teleclass + energy process will last approx. 90mins.
USD $30 per Teleclass (or $50 for both)
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Join 20 June Solar Eclipse Solstice
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