When : 21 June '23 Time : 5.00 pm (UK), 12.00 Noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00am PT
At this mid year solstice, a ceremony of 'peak light' in the Northern hemisphere, we find ourselves with the opportunity to immerse more deeply in the natural, flow of Source. To embed our multidimensional True Self more deeply as more identities fall away, more 'boxes' crumble, more pedestals fall - and we we recover aspects of our Self beyond all the self-limiting boundaries we have held.
It's another level of rebirth as the energies support us in harmonising with a more profound rhythm, the flow of our natural state and the pulse of mother nature herself. In our rebirth, we become the 'mother' and provider of the frequencies to nourish and help to grow the new world that is being seeded.
This is a time of potential magic, new ideas, new visions and new possibilities emerging from the wellspring of our own being if we are brave enough to dive in more deeply. It is also a time not to fall into fantasy or wishful thinking, and to be very aware of illusions in the mirrors of our reality. What do you trust and who do you trust? In a time where nothing is what it seems anymore, when people confuse 'belief' with 'facts', when the ability to manipulate and alter live images, 'fake news' takes on a whole new meaning. Fake news, fake people, fake teachings - don't hang on to or believe in anything over this time.
Your platform of truth is YOU, and this is being brought to the fore. The grand Truth can be uncomfortable and will push us beyond our comfort zones into situations that challenge precious beliefs. It will move us into situations where we confront ourselves, giving us the opportunity to rise once more and become MORE of who we born here to be.
These are pretty 'big' energies this month - time to polish a few more facets of the beautiful diamond that you are, and strengthen the fortitude and resilience to move you through!
This solstice teleclass + energy process will explore the themes more deeply and provide uplifting support through this time.
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I look forward as always to sharing with you.
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