Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT 5.00 pm UK
Our journey with the Diamond Community this year has been one of exploring and then amplifying multiple facets of our diamond matrix, shining light into what we understand as Love.
Most of us already know that one of the simplest keys to shifting vibration is to find something to be grateful for - and then to maintain a daily practice of some kind that continues to shift our focus. From Gratitude journals, to daily affirmations, acts of kindness that are an external manifestation of being grateful for our lives, there are a multitude of ways to reconnect with the eternal Love that we are through whatever practice works for us.
We can't avoid the upsets and challenges of life, the pressures of which sometimes bear down from multiple directions at once. However, when life is exerting so much pressure on us that all seems gloomy or dark, when we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, we can find the light in our own heart through gratitude. It doesn't always take away the pain or the challenge, but it does reconnect you with the deeper Truth and Love that you are - an ultimate truth and love that bestows meaning and purpose.
In this week, where the USA celebrates 'Thanksgiving', it gives us a perfect opportunity to synchronise and amplify a frequency of gratitude, and seed it into the newly emerging earth grids. When we fully embody the understanding that WE/YOU are the 'Great Reset', the value of your gratitude takes on a more global perspective.
Diamond, as a remedy is the greatest transmuter of 'darkness' and the emergence into Light and the higher frequencies of being. It has never been more necessary to help to facilitate that transmutation on an ever expanding scale. This is our time, and our grand opportunity to energise the new timelines and the true planetary grids.
Let's explore and collectively work with the power of gratitude to amplify the love of your eternal Diamond/True Self in service to ALL!
The teleclass + process is approx. 90 mins and is currently offered on a donation basis, so no-one is excluded. If you are unable to join Live, you will still receive the recording!
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