Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT 5.00 pm UK
Our journey with the Diamond Community this year has been one of exploring and then amplifying multiple facets of our diamond matrix, shining light into what we understand as Love. We often speak about a new world of Transparency, which in and of itself implies a culture and energy of Truth, where all that is not truth, all that is hidden in a network of lies and deceit is brought into the ultimate light of of our infinite being, the flame and light of Love. Eventually, whatever is not Love cannot exist, or burns up in the fierceness and brilliance of Love.
"Truth and Consciousness are eternally connected. When you tell yourself the truth, you are conscious of your thoughts, beliefs and actions. When you are aware, you can change. If you can change, you're free. Tell yourself the truth. There is no greater love" J. Mike Fields
As the frequencies ramp up both through us and through our planet, more 'truth bombs' are being dropped that reveal the untruths that have been used to manipulate and control thoughts, beliefs and actions. As more lies are exposed, more room is created for Love. The Love of Self that is realised when new perspectives are realised and change is initiated. As we liberate ourselves with Truth and Love, we emancipate ourselves and space is created for more solutions to some of the greatest challenges we face as humanity.
The future is not written in stone (although the authors of the Georgia Guidestones may have liked to think it was :) ) Our future and destiny is guided by the purity of Love that emerges when truth is acknowledged, accepted, spoken and then acted upon.
Join us for an exploration of truth as a facet of Love in our 22 October teleclass and deep energy alignment through a new diamond process!
The teleclass + process is approx. 90 mins and is currently offered on a donation basis, so no-one is excluded. If you are unable to join Live, you will still receive the recording!
Join us by registering using the donation button below!