Diamond Light Teleclass and Energy Process : Waves of Surrender 26 May Time : 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT, 5.00 pm UK
"The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on 26th May begins a sequence of key astrological events, making June 2021 rich with opportunities to rethink our perspective and deepen our perceptions. In these coming weeks our relationship to facts, information, perception and expertise – the domains of Sagittarius and Gemini – can shift exponentially. We were primed for this time by the supermoon of 27 April, with events that occurred back then setting the scene for predominant issues in the weeks to come.
But whilst that supermoon was all about emotion, this eclipse season lifts us out of the emotional realm into the relational world of the mind. It is time to examine without guile our thought processes, beliefs and assumptions which forever shape our experience of life and the world around us. Whilst doing so may unavoidably trigger emotional responses, these emotions are not to become the focus of our process. Instead, we are tasked with renewing our mind to clear the way for more incisive perceptions and an ever-expanding world view. It is time to rise out of emotion, into wise discernment" Sarah Varcas, www.astro-awakenings.co.uk
When all is said and done, our humanity will save us. Not a further decline into separation, vilification and blame. To love we must live from the inside out, drawing from the source of well-being and wisdom that resides at our core. Not be played like a puppet by those who demand our submission. Cliché though it may be, love is the answer. Not yielding and placating love but wild, vibrant, unrelenting love which knows no bounds and believes no lies. This love speaks hard truths and holds us to account. It holds up a mirror and insists we stare into it unflinching. An on-going square between Pluto and Eris demands we see ourselves as we are. Forces of nature. Spirit embodied. Sovereign, resplendent and free. If we don’t, we diminish ourselves and embolden the tyrants of this world. So cherish yourself, think for yourself. Put two and two together, stand tall and speak your truth, bold as bold can be. It really is time to choose…. love or fear… courage or surrender… sovereignty or tyranny. Rarely have we been faced with such a far-reaching and urgent decision. I can’t stress this enough! We are midwives of the Aquarian Age, right here, right now, in every choice we make, each minute of every single day. We must all play our part in the great awakening. The new age is drawing near.
The Lunar eclipse energy process takes you on a deep journey of surrendering to Love, and is recorded along with the preceeding teleclass.