20 March 2021 Equinox Teleclass and Energetic Upgrade Times : 4.00 pm UK, 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT
The key word on many lips at the moment is Freedom, with today marking a call for a 'Worldwide Freedom Rally'. Whether we physically participate with others or not, it is worth considering what that word really means to each of us.
Freedom is really an inside job. In the words of Viktor Frankl, a WW2 concentration camp survivor, "Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation"
At this equinox point, we mark the annual transition that demarcates the end of winter and the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere (summer-autumn in the south). It is an inflection point that initiates a new cycle that effectively reconnects us as humanity with the eternal cycles of the natural world - a world in which we are deeply embedded. The artificiality of the imposed world we have accepted emerges now in stark contrast to the natural and cyclical flow of a world in which we can experience the truth of who we are at the deepest levels of our being.
The freedom that is longed for from the depths within is the freedom to express that which animates your life. The transition we are in from a larger cyclical perspective is a resounding call to your destiny, a humming of the potentiality that arises naturally when your alignment is strengthened. This equinox brings us out of the passivity of a watery 'flow', to a grounded actualisation that materialises in form, one small step at a time. This equinox brings the dawn of a new 'day', and our own 'long march to freedom' - the freedom to choose, the freedom to respond, the freedom to unify, the freedom to love, the freedom to trust, the freedom to grow, the freedom to realise our destiny. As the sun takes time to rise to it's zenith, so too, is this a journey and a transition.
The rhetoric and vague promises of the 'new age' are giving way to a new impulse that stirs and moves us forward, out of the seeming inertia of the previous months. Many of the old tools we relied on no longer apply or even function that well in the emerging new energetic paradigm. New ways of being and expressing ourselves are being explored and We have been powering up from within and readying ourselves for this emergence, welcoming our new tribes, new connections and new creations with fresh hope. The rules have changed for all of us and we are trying to figure out what to do next - what tools of light are needed in this place and time.
All that you need is within you.
This equinox upgrade helps to pave the way for that which needs to emerge at this time. Truth, Light, Love and Freedom will ultimately prevail.
Because this equinox is an important one, I am also offering access to the class and upgrade on donation for those who may otherwise not be able to participate.