20 and 27 March 2017 Diamond Community Online Gatherings : Dynamic Stability
When : 20 March 2017 and 27 March2017 (2 Webcasts and Diamond Processes) Time : 10.00 am PT 11.00 am MT 12.00 noon CT 1.00 pm ET 6.00 pm London, UK 7.00 pm S Africa 1.00 am AST
'Dynamic Stability' is somewhat paradoxical - Stability evoking images of stillness, immovability and constancy, while Dynamic implies something lively, vigorous and energetic. This is one of the Divine Paradoxes : That in the throes of major internal recalibration and adjustment to ever increasing energetic influences, we are able to hold ourselves stable through an aligned and peaceful centre. It is no easy task emotionally, physically and energetically to maintain this core strength and presence in the midst of inner storms, as our bodies and subtle energies continue adjusting and reconfiguring.
This equinox is a pivotal point in the regenerative journey of new beginnings this year. It is a window of 'rebirth', a place where the dynamic flux of inspired creation is birthed and then concretised into reality. The flux may feel somewhat uncomfortable, but the potential for a new and 'higher level' resting state cannot be over-emphasised. This is a time where we meet our Sovereign Self in all of his/her magnficence.
We will be working with the Vector Equilibrium and the 'Jitterbug' as a manifestation substructure through these special days - more on this amazing structure in our special session!
Come and dance with us in these new energy webcasts and diamond processes!
Note : The recordings will be made available shortly after the Live gathering so even if you are unable to attend Live, you won't miss out.
The recommended purchase for both webcasts (each approx. 90 minutes) is a special £33 (Approx. $43 US). This can be effected using the Buy Now button below, however a donation option is also made available if you are unable to contribute the whole amount.
In the interest of making the diamond energy as widely available as possible, you may also join in with a donation at whichever level is comfortable for you in order to participate in these Diamond Journeys! Please join us for these special webcast and diamond gatherings, as together we join forces to amplify the diamond heart consciousness.