Time : 5.00 pm UK, 6.00 pm Central Europe, 12.00 noon ET, 11.00 am CT, 10.00 am MT, 9.00 am PT
On the 28th, we are still awash with the potent energies of April's supermoon (26/27 April), with an opportunity to take advantage of the gifts that it brings. The powerful energetics of this particular influence are already palpable.
There are times when we forget the truth of our own multidimensional nature and all of the aspects of ourselves, both physical and non-physical that we have dissociated from over the course of our individual journeys through life. This is a time to ground ourselves more deeply and wholly into the present as we fill ourselves up for the way forward - acknowledging, purifying and integrating trauma at all levels, including ancestral, societal, cultural and within the natural world - all while allowing what needs to die and continue breaking down to do so. It can also be easy to forget that we are actually creating/dreaming the events taking place and that nothing exists outside of us that is not seeded within us.
The heights and depths of our multidimensional nature and characteristics are likely to reveal unpalatable truths - personally and globally - that will require a realignment of belief systems in order to walk with purpose, strength and courage through the morass and implications of the failing systems that must fall. Far from being a fluffy bunny concept, multidimensional unification is a deep embodiment of all that has been dissociated & fragmented beyond our level of conscious awareness. It is an inner purification, integration and love that heralds a new level of wholeness, of self-appreciation and love for oneself as a sovereign human being. It is the revealing of inner capabilities being brought to the surface for realignment with the elevated frequencies driving enormous planetary change.
Sarah Varcas, astrologer from www.astro-awakenings.co.uk, pulls no punches with her description of the impact of this particular supermoon :
"Be warned - A Scorpio Moon will suffer no fools! No spiritual platitude or glib philosophical strapline can survive its penetrating gaze. There are fewer and fewer places to hide from truth these days. Increasing layers of denial, defensiveness and delusion are being stripped away, leaving the raw truth exposed in all its sometimes shocking, sometimes inspiring, glory. We must do more than simply believe or identify with a particular outlook or understanding. We must live it every moment of every day. Express our devotion to it, test it out on the cliff face of life which throws obstacles and hurdles in our path.
It’s easy to be ‘spiritual’ when the going’s good. Anyone can do that! But staying strong in wisdom when all around is falling apart, when profound loss knocks upon our door or deep disappointment becomes our companion: that’s when our true colours shine through, bold and resplendent or waning and pale. The first blossoms of awakening may tell us all is sorted and we’ll be peaceful evermore, but it’s only when life gets involved that we discover the infinite heights and profound depths of the soul. Eris and Ceres to the rescue!Eris is conjunct asteroid Ceres at the time of this moon – the goddess of discord hand in hand with the goddess of the harvest. This striking motif speaks of the rewards of standing firm and being prepared to rock the boat when necessary; that social conditioning to be nice and polite and go along with the crowd may be the very shackles that bind us to a life half lived. Just as the on-going Saturn / Uranus square affirms, a world that cannot make space for differences of opinion and controversial truths has already fallen. And with Mercury turning retrograde in Gemini next month, it’s time to reflect on how far we silence ourselves or other people to avoid the fallout of provocative discord and debate.
There are exciting times ahead. And challenging ones. In the coming months we’ll discover how fully our beliefs align with emerging truths and how deeply we can honour them, however iconoclastic they prove to be. The world is boiling in a pressure cooker of global change, amidst a battle for the future of humanity. This is a time of immense potential for awakening to truth and embodying its quickening power. But these truths are as inconvenient as they come – naked truth, primal truth, brazen, audacious and wild.
Embrace them all boldly, then embrace them some more. They will set your spirit free "
This is an incredible time, and a calling card to far greater wholeness than we have known, and it is exhausting, exhilarating and expansive. There are no shortcuts! Through this, we come to discover the enormity of our task as well as the incredible aptitudes being revealed.
Join us for an inspiring teleclass where we will explore these themes more deeply and undertake an energetic realignment to a new multidimensional wholeness - a unification of Self - as the living expression of the new sovereign human being. These are diamond times indeed!
The teleclass + energy process will last approx. 90 mins and will be recorded if you are unable to attend live!
Registration open to all on a donation basis (Note : Currency is in GBP)