About the Sacred White Animals
Many indigenous prophecies abound in respect of what have become known as Sacred White animals. The most well known of these is the story of White Buffalo Calf Woman of the Sioux nation. In her legend, she speaks of a time of great (spiritual) darkness on the earth, and of a new dawn heralded by the birth of a sacred white buffalo calf. This would be a sacred time for the planet when people of all colours would unite and begin the restoration of harmony and implementation of divine principles on earth. Such a calf was born in Wisconsin, USA in 1994. For me, and many others around the world, this year was significant in that it also saw the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as president of South Africa. It was Nelson Mandela who was responsible for the introduction of the phrase 'The Rainbow Nation' to decribe the essence and culture of a new South Africa. Perhaps it is a divine synchronicity that this greater 'tribe of many colours' was described as such in the same year the sacred white buffalo calf was born.
Wild white animals have always been revered by the numerous indigenous cultures around the world. Creatures such as the white fox, the snowy owl, the snow leaopard and the white wolf are naturally white as a necessity of their habitat in more icy, snow blanketed climes. As Power Animals, these animals are often regarded as being the teachers of teachers, the companions of shamans and those who hold and communicate spiritual wisdom. Many of the Celtic and Nordic traditions have a reverence for the White Stag, and their mythologies regard this animal as leading them to their destiny, a 'promised land' and representing magic. Over recent decades, we have seen the appearance of many more white versions of animals, reptiles, insects and birds than had previously been witnessed. This is also not a typical case of albinism, as many would argue, but a different genetic mutation known as leucism. In albino forms, the animal would generally exhibit a lack of melanin and pigmentation and have pink skin and eyes. In Leucism, however, there is also a reduction in melanin but the animal tends to have blue or dark eyes. It is these 'special' lecistic animals that are increasing in number, and they are remarkable and distinctive in their appearance. From ravens, to squirrels, mice, hedgehogs, dolphins, whales, seals, lion, tiger and numerous others, the appearance of these remarkable forms is increasing in frequency. Perhaps it is a condition of the changing electromagnetic environment that is fuelling these genetic chanages. Our planet is more exposed to different levels of radiation, we have a weakened magnetosphere, have recently experienced an axis shift and there is no doubt that the energetic conditions of our planet are changing rapidly. We speak so easily of DNA activations and accessing Higher frequencies in our spiritual circles and these special messengers from the animal kingdoms are showing us externally through their own shifting DNA configurations that changes at this level are indeed taking place. The White Animals and the Diamond Let's take a brief look at the symbolism of the White animals. We tend to relate to the colour white as a symbol of innocence, purity, love, peace and unity. White as a colour is in fact the unification of all colours - the blending of all of the rainbow frequencies in total harmony to reflect back this tenuous balance of all. This is essentially the ultimate function of all of our work with the diamond. Each facet is a prism that serves to both refract and reflect all frequencies of light. When each facet of our Self is examined, cleansed and rebalanced the full spectrum of rainbow hues through our diamond grid blends harmoniously to produce the sacred white light of Spirit. When we reach our highest potential, the light through our own diamond reflects back the purity and harmony of our elevated soul essence. We no longer seek the light, we live it. What was presented to me in the instruction and preparation of these sacred essences, is that the Sacred White Animals are akin to companions and guardians of the higher 'Oversoul'. Each one shows us the way to transform an aspect of our lower Self and to create space for embodiment of our Christed Self and beyond. They enable our connection to the grid of comsic consciousness so we can anchor it into the existing consciousness grids and accelerate the awakening. The traditional power animals and totems remind us that Spirit flows through all of physical life, that Spirit is IN all that we experience in the material and natural world. They are our guardians and guides into the hidden realms and our neglected unconscious. If we consider the evolutionary trajectory we are on, and the turning of the grand Cosmic cycles, we can see that the emergence of so many more White animals as 'anomalies', is in tandem with the increasing frequencies. They embody the shift and the changes and remind us of the sheer and often breathtaking beauty that is present in our connnection with Great Spirit, even through the breakdown of our current societies and ways of living. You could say that the Sacred White Power Animals are the 5D versions of what we have known as the 3D power animals. They are here to inform and guide us through this shifting landscape, through the portals into Cosmic or Galactic Consciousness. They are truly Diamond Power Animals! 16 years ago, in the early stages of my spiritual awakening I was connected with a magnificent White Owl and a White Wolf. While I was not always aware of it, these oversoul animals have been holding me on course, teaching and guiding me into the ways and understanding of the diamond. During the autumnal equinox of 2014 we worked with an advanced 'triple diamond' configuration to connect with our greater Overself. Following this experience and during some subsequent remote diamond work, I reconnected at this level of the diamond grid and found myself completely embodied by the Great White Owl. In other words, I became the owl. The experience was a first for me, and is almost beyond words in that I could feel the softness of the feathers, experienced the piercing vision through its eyes, and energetically felt the head turning around completely so I could see behind me. For the first time, I understood the concept of shapeshifting as the tranditional Shamans practice it. In the days that followed, the guidance to create vibrational essences to connect with these Sacred White or Diamond Power animals would not leave me alone until I surrendered to the process. I had not previously even considered that it was a possibility to create an animal vibrational essence, however, it is the Oversoul of the animals themselves who are again guiding and facilitating this process. This marks the beginning of a whole new aspect of the Diamond 'work', and the 5 initial beautiful essences below are simply the first to be birthed (their voices were the loudest!!). Many more are already making themselves known in dreamtime, so more will be added as they emerge. Please take a look at 'How to use the Diamond Power Animal Essences' in the right hand column. As an introductory special offer, when you purchase multiple essences, you will receive a 15% discount on your order (provided as a refund subsequent to purchase). __________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() White Peacock
30 mls Symbolises spiritual 'royalty', immortality, vision, watchfulness, nobility, guardians of the 'temple', glory, phoenix-like qualities of resurrection, refinement and beauty. Use this essence to : - open and enhance your connection to your Christed Self - awaken and strengthen your ability to hold the vision of the desired New Earth - regenerate following an illness - connect with your inner beauty and the beauty that threads through all of life - discern the right mind, thoughts and deeds required given any external life conditions - develop and refine your spiritual integrity £14.99 (excl postage) ![]() White Lion
Symbolises unity, ancient truths, connection to the stars and timeless universal wisdom, spiritual kingship, priests and seers, Love in its highest form, strength through adversity, Christ consciousness, understanding the nature of astro-theology. Use this essence to: - open the High (spiritual) heart and experience divine Love for Self and others - bridge mind and heart to know and discern Higher wisdom in alignment with the heart - develop the inner strength to take right action in accordance with Higher Truth - Develop wisdom through attainment of knowledge and applying it in life - connect to the natural solar and cosmic cycles in order to act in accordance with the natural flow - enhance your ability to listen to your own inner guidance £14.99 excl p & p ![]() White Owl
Known also as the Night Eagle, the white owl symbolises acuity of vision, ability to see through deception, balance stillness and stealth with the ability to strike or act with speed, seeing through illusion, divine feminine, the Crone aspect of the Goddess, guardians of the underworld, wisdom and unseen truths. Use this essence to: - enhance your perceptual abilities to 'see through' and discern distortions - know when to 'keep your council' ie stay quiet or in the background and when to act or speak - connect more deeply with the primal Goddess energy and the wisdom of the natural world - develop poise and balance - enhance psychic vision and clairvoyant abilities - maximise your use of nocturnal 'awakenings' 30ml bottle £14.99 (excl p & p) ![]() White Snake
Symbolises transformation and transmutation, access to the Divine mysteries, creative power, universal symbol and connection to the Goddess, elemental energies, manipulation of energy, elusiveness, protection from persecution, connection to the soul world, Shamanic abilities, psychic power. Use this essence to : - strengthen and maintain your connection to your 5D oversoul while staying grounded - develop invisibility as a form of protection - manage your own energetic and emotional states - communicate and work with the elemental energies - enhance plant and animal communication - travel safely beween 'worlds' or states of consciousness 30mls £14.99 (excl p & p) ![]() White Elephant
Symbolises confidence, patience, ancient wisdom, community, nurturing, royal power, learning, ancient wisdom, removal of obstacles or barriers, connection to the archetypal deity, Indra, good fortune. Use this essence to : - strengthen your resolve, confidence and ability to deal with challenges. - helps you to find new ways of overcoming and dealing with obstacles - enhance your subtle senses and telepathic communication - provide for your own nurturing needs and looking out for others - develop understanding and true compassion - develop inner knowing of your purpose and gifts and find ways of contributing these to the greater whole - help heal karmic relationships |
![]() Special Offer for October!
Purchase multiple essences and receive a discount of 15% on your order. Please note your discount will be processed as a refund subsequent to purchase. Using the Sacred White Animal Essences 1. Sit for a while with the essence and the image in your hands as you breathe deeply and allow yourself to relax into a calm and peaceful space. 2. Centre yourself in your diamond, ensure that it is anchored and then ask to be connected through your Soul Star with your Christed Self. Breathe this golden energy into your diamond, and feel yourself expanding. 3. Take a few drops of your chosen essence (place it under your tongue, or in a glass of water), and allow the energy to flow through your subtle energy bodies, connecting with the golden energy of your Christed Self. 4. Allow yourself to connect with your chosen Diamond Power animal as you feel it connect energetically with your Christed Self. Sense your essence being enhanced by the qualities of this animal overself, and allow yourself to open up to communicate with it. Ask for insights and ways in which you can express the finer qualities it shares with you in your every day life. 5. As you then go about your day, connect frequently with this Sacred Power Animal and become aware of the subtle ways in which your life begins to shift in accordance with its gift. You may also like to use the essence on your pulse points to refresh your connection with this energy during the day. |