Group Teleclass with teachings and Diamond Energy Alignment
In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back. Albert Camus
As we near the close of the first month of 2021, the divergence of timelines becomes ever more evident with the demands for conformity to an official narrative crashing up against a deep desire for integrity, love, independent thought and authenticity. By now, most are becoming clearer about the change that is required and an inner Reset that has nothing to do with the proposed imposition. The Rose tinted glasses through which many have viewed the task at hand are now discarded with the understanding that the many years of training in spiritual principles being transcribed into embodied reality demand so much more of us. 'Creating a New Earth' is a concept that is being constantly modified against a rapidly changing backdrop of concensual acceptance of the current perception of 'reality' by the masses.
In the words of Sarah Varcas "It is time to take charge, to speak up, to stand our ground. Pariahs no more, we have a right to a voice, an opinion, a perspective. We are not beholden to a narrative that makes no sense on deeper enquiry. We do not have to agree when every cell in our being is screaming ‘no!’. We do not have to conform to be accepted and respected. We can accept and respect ourselves, knowing that integrity is more important than any pat on the back for toeing the party line"
What is rising up within us - beneath the temporary current exhaustion (!) - is a growing commitment to the elevated frequencies that will support the embedding of higher frequencies governed by values that will support a more natural alignment with and for all of Life. It is an alignment with the Truth that is our natural way of being, with the impulse that stirs us to move in different ways and keeps us swimming against the force of an 'unnatural' flow. The forced dystopian version of our future is NOT a done deal, and it continues to be moulded by an advancing awareness and the power of human consciousness.
POWERING UP : this teleclass and focussed diamond process align your core with what is arising from deep within, so that you hold steady with a core that is unwavering - constantly purifying and seeing through the 'noise' and deepening your calibration and embodiment of your True essence. This first energy process for 2021 was an amazing and palpable 'powering up' that utilises our innate biological technology to enhance our alignment with the natural flow of life.
This teleclass brings you a fascinating look at the link between blood, pyramids, water, DNA, heaven and earth, followed by a unique process to link these principles within you in a profound way. This is a process that will serve you well throughout 2021, and will deepen your connection to the more positive timeline which is based on Nature's principles.
Access the recordings below
Teleclass + energy process approx. 90mins.
USD $30
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