22 September 2016 : Diamond Equinox online Gathering
Time : 18h00 (UK)19h00 Central Europe 13h00 ET 12h00 noon CT 11h00 MDT 10h00 PDT
This month of September 2016 is a powerful time of transition with an incredible influx of upgrading energies. We are cleaning out our internal 'house', completing a cycle as we step onto a new turn on our personal and planetary evolutionary spiral. The equinox, with its cosmic balancing effect is an opportunity to restore harmony and stability after the chaotic churning up of the last few months.
Not only is this a powerful equinox, the numerology of the date on which it falls is also significant. 22 is the number of the gene key of Grace (www.genekeys.net), a divine gift that descends if we are willing to receive. 22 is also a master number and associated with the Master Builder. It represents the establishment of new foundations, stability and harmony.
Join me for a special diamond process on 22 September as we work with the strength of the diamond to assist us in re-synchronising with the new cosmic pulse, establishing a higher level of internal and cellular coherence and soothing a frazzled nervous system. This will be a process of emotional and physical support to carry us forward into the new reality being birthed in the hearts of humanity!
If you are unable to join us live, you will receive the recording of the event as soon as possible afterwards so you won't miss out.
When : 22 September 2016 Time :18h00 (UK)19h00 Central Europe 13h00 ET 12h00 noon CT 11h00 MT 10h00 PT
Please register with a love offering via paypal below.