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- Masters of Destiny 2022 : A Powerful Journey into the new Timeline
Masters of Destiny 2022 : A Powerful Journey into the new Timeline
This exciting, updated offering is aligned with the ever increasing energies, and the enormous shifts and changes that our planet is going through. Masters of Destiny 2022 will place recent events into a more expansive perspective within the context of these quantum waves .
As many of you may know, one of my greatest gifts is in researching, following inner/higher guidance to relevant insights and connecting the dots to synthesize and build a cohesive and inclusive landscape for higher consciousness and frequency alignment. As such, what I do is fully aligned with what we may understand as the Ninth Wave of Creation - a wave of consciousness could also be defined as the true 'Ascension Wave'
The Ninth Wave is our destiny as a human race, and our individual Destiny is intricately intertwined with it.
To become a master of our destiny, is to understand and honour the immense human journey to this point in time where we are poised to set the course of human history on a whole new trajectory. What we see happening 'out there' is a direct result of the previous waves that helped to evolve humanity - yet have kept many of them captive in the patterning they introduced. To transcend all of this is not to bypass, it is a process of transmutation, recalibration and shedding of the inherited patterning so that we can expand with the fullness and all of the gifts that each prior wave has brought to us. Our destiny is an expansion into the totality of a frequency that helps us to maintain a constant awareness and connection with the ALL - our Source, Power and the Innate Driver at all times. It is an expansion of the Heart AND Mind to meet the universal mind. It is our empowerment within the wholeness, purity and clarity of the ultimate Diamond Light.
This is our destiny.
In this epic 6-session program, I weave together deep insights directly from Source, balanced with some of the greatest minds and forward thinkers, to provide you with both an understanding and practical tools to navigate these incredible times and stay aligned with wave of destiny. Some of these individuals include, Johan Carl Calleman, Dr Jacqueline Hobbs, Nassim Haramein, Dr. Vernon Woolf, Randall Carlsson, Michael Tsarion and the indigenous First Nations peoples.
The ultimate impact of the program will :
- Expand your mind and heart
- Assist you to understand and navigate current world events
- Shift you from Victim to Empowered choice-maker.
- Activate dormant memories
- Bridge Joy and fulfilment with practical responsibility
- Connect you with the Freshness of the Future while allowing it to Unfold
- Reconfigure the holograms of ancestral and other life timelines
- Connect you more deeply with your own Source power
- Align with new frequency holograms and timelines
- Explore and re-create YOU and humanity
- Create real change
- Experience greater freedom
- Transcend duality by embracing rather than turning your back on it.
- Embrace the totality of your personal and the collective human experience
Each recorded class is approximately 2 hours, bringing you the total equivalent of at least a 2-day workshop, as well as information that you will continue to reference long after the program has been completed. I believe it is one of the most important series of consolidated teachings I have presented that goes beyond 'new age' rhetoric to bring you fresh insights, hope and trust in the future. The new wave is here and cannot be turned back.
Welcome to your Destiny.
- The program consists of : 6 x recorded video classes approx. 2 hours each
- All presentation slides in pdf format for notes & exercises
- Additional mp3's (energy processes) and scripts
- Light Codes
- Bonus video discussion with Johan Carl Calleman
Session 1 : The Cosmic View
- Laying the foundation
- The Tree of Destiny
- Ancient cosmology and modern findings
- Nine - a sacred, holy number
- The origin of polarity and the nine waves of creation
- Prophecy and the Ninth Wave
- Cosmic blueprints and your biology (you were designed for these times!)
- What the universe wants for YOU
- Personal creation vs Being created and why evolution isn't what you thought
- Ascension defined through the nine waves
- Accessing the Spirals of Time
- How the Universe upgrades itself....and YOU
Session 2 : The Cosmos Speaks
- Tapping in to the Cosmic Guidance system
- How you are impacted by the various cosmic operating systems
- Is your mind your own? The operational holograms of universal mind and the
realities they create
- A perspective on the Akasha
- Connecting with waves 1 through 5 and how they live within you
- The cosmic cataclysms and origins of trauma
- The birth of the human ego
- Surviving (and thriving) through chaotic nodes and transitions (like now!)
- Upgrading your brain to decode and reprogram outdated holograms
Session 3 : The 6th Wave (Epochs of Power)
- Perspectives on Karma and reclaiming your power
- Where the 6th wave still rules and how WE (YOU) are changing the rules of the game!
- The origins of control, patriarchal societies, authoritarianism and formal religion
- The lens of the 6th wave in our own (modern) cultures
- Memories of ancient, advanced civilisations
- Re-programming the operational patterns of the 6th wave
- The secrets of the California Redwoods (links to the cosmic tree and the
Session 4 : The 7th Wave (Amnesia)
- Recognising the challenges and harnessing the gifts of the 'dark' 7th wave
- When 'God' left the building (so to speak)
- How the material world was recreated with science and technology and the dangers of 'Scientism'
- The seventh wave holograms & how they have influenced your biology
- Where the 7th wave still hides 'undercover' and continues to influence what is perceived as reality
- The economics of the 7th wave, and how this is slowly changing under the influence
of the 9th wave
- Not throwing the baby out with the bathwater - harnessing the gifts from the 7th
wave and overcoming the challenges
- Ancestral healing and clearing
Session 5 : The 8th Wave (The Great Awakening)
- Initial awakening and tools for staying awake!
- Honoring the rising Feminine, mystery schools and inclusive spiritualities
- Does Absolute Truth exist?
- The rise in healing arts and links to earlier 'waves'
- The shift from west to east and what this means (personally and collectively)
- Why the children ARE different & abstaining from 'labels'
- Changing educational approaches to align with the shifts (and why current
educational methods will become increasingly ineffective)
- From mind to heart, superpowers and being human
- Mastery : from externalisation to internalisation
- Trigger codes for the 8th wave holograms
- Age of Aquarius vs Leo, the hazards of the limitless mind, the 8th wave and being
Session 6 : The Ninth Wave (Coming Home)
- The ultimate power of the Ninth Wave : From Me to WE
- Keys to aligning with the Ninth Wave and Internal Self-mastery
- The dissolution of the matrix
- Self-resourcing through the current planetary turmoil. Building TRUST.
- Bringing it all together with a new coherence
- New definitions of Healing
- New timelines, new Realities and Birthing the New Earth. A time of no filters and seeing the perfection in the entire journey of humanity
- Redefining your life purpose and destiny
- Embracing polarity, critical thinking, mind and heart
- The timing and emergence of Light languages
- Grooming and being the Leaders of the future
- The links between Africa, the Maya, the Ninth Wave and the re-emerging Diamond
Light Consciousness
- Why the sacred White Animals are becoming more evident and how to work with