21-12-2013 Solstice webcast and meditation : Reconciliation and Liberation
You would think by now I would be used to this process, but it still fascinates me!
1. Firstly, I found Carl Boudreau's astrology blog for December, and his descriptions of the planetary energetic influences during December. A few extracts from his assessment include : "December helps us to break down the walls of ideologies and see things in the cold light of day" "December doesn't obstruct, and we have the 'power of the tailwind' to drive things forward" "This is a moral and spiritual realignment process" The momentum of the 2013 December solstice is behind karmic account settling, and supports reconciliation, restoration of conscience and common decency. You can find Carl's full report here 2. The sad loss this month of Nelson 'Madiba' Mandela has helped to bring back into consciousness all that he stood for. Even with his imperfections and critics, he remains an icon in our time of the power of reconciliation, compassion and forgiveness. His liberation from 27years of imprisonment and his personal liberation from hatred, bitterness and anger, paved the way for a 'collective liberation' in the hearts of not only South Africans but throughout different cultures around the world. His Truth and Reconciliation commission, and his inclusive approach minimised civil unrest and supported the political transitional period in SA. His transition from this world has released and brought his gift back into consciousness, reminding us of the power we each have for personal liberation through embracing the values he stood for. 3. On the 22 December, we move into a new mayan wavespell of 13 days - the Red Skywalker. This new wavespell invites us for thirteen days to become an Adventurer while having the courage to take risks and find new ways of being in the world! The Red Skywalker asks us to expand our horizons for new opportunities to come our way. The more aware we are of our surroundings and sacred inner space, we become a divine messenger for spirit to manifest itself in the material world. It therefore asks us to liberate ourselves from our limitations, enabling vast and personal expansion to take us into the new year. Our current wavespell up to and including the solstice on 21 December is the 'Yellow Sun of Ilumination', gifting us with the opportunity to 'clarify misunderstandings and confusion with others' and to look at ways in which we prevent ourselves from shining in the world. Read Mariela Maya's summary at Mayankin. The energies underpinning this Solstice transition are therefore strongly supportive of Reconciliation of all within ourselves where we 'get in our own way' and Liberation in order to experience our greatly expanded presence. The Diamond Solstice online event will therefore be focussed on these key aspects as we align ourselves fully with the supportive cosmic energies propelling us forwards! Note that we have 2 GAP days preceeding the 21st (on 19 & 20 Dec), which are a perfect opportunity to engage in preparatory releasing and healing for the event on 21st (see the free anger release meditation provided this month here) Date : 21 December Time : 18h00 GMT, 13h00 EST, 11h00 Mountain Time You will also be provided with the process as an mp3 afterwards. Register Now : £15 (approx.$24) or if you are unable to contribute the full amount, you are welcome to provide a small donation in any amount you choose.
Register Now : £15 (approx $24) |