Many of us know well that the power to heal lies within us. This great little movie adds reinforcement and some great inspirational stories from people who have overcome tremendous health challenges and demonstrate the power of the human spirit. Worth watching! Yekra Player Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films. A transformational film about how every human body is brilliantly designed for vitality and longevity. Why then is our health and life expectancy declining? Have we lost our connection to our natural way of living? Is it possible there is a powerful and effective means to address our health and disease, which can assist in tapping into our natural healing capacity of our profoundly powerful human body? THE CURE IS… unveils one of the most profound, ancient health formulas to be released in over a century. Amazing true stories, woven with testimonials from top scientists, doctors and evolutionary leaders creates a mind-blowing journey of self-discovery that will radically shift the way you look at health and disease forever. It is time for us look beyond the band-aid approach of medicine in our Western culture and deeper into the unlimited healing capacity of the human body. THE CURE IS… Join the revolution to health and happiness!
Thank you to everyone who supported and participated in the "Unfolding the Jewel in the Lotus" process earlier today! Technical glitches aside, it was truly wonderful and very moving, and bleow is some of the early feedback from participants who shared their energy to create a powerful flow of energy into the diamond grids.
Please feel free to add your comments and experiences for everyone to share in. With love, Julie x " Thank You for the connections and beautiful ceremony which began at 3:33 am my time. I mostly connected with Alpha Centauri and the Oceans of the World and the dolphins and crystals while meditating with you" E.D., USA "An amazing morning. It was 6.00am here when you started and so, so worth getting up for! As the sun came up, it was a beautiful rose/fuschia colour. It was magnificent!" L.M, Canada "That was brilliant, thank you. I had loads of insights and visions that I will share with you as soon as I write them up!", P.S, Germany "Thank you - it was wonderful. Inside I feel quiet, calm and peaceful and it is a lovely space!" P.M, UK "The experience was very expansive" H.W., UK "Thank you. I could feel the inner shifts taking place through the process" , M.R, UK Earth singing her own song into space! Beautiful...
Article and audio here The Eclipses of November 2012
Greetings Dear Ones! I am Metatron Lord of Light. And so we speak of the energies about you. We speak of the windows of the Eclipses in your linear time of November 2012. The remaining energies of 2012 will be extremely powerful. It is important to maintain your balance. Myriad complex energies are bombarding the Earth and humanity are feeling the effects. These are taking place with Divine purpose, and although it is a period of great intensity, it is requisite and in that sense is very benevolent, quite necessary for the Ascension. In truth what is occurring in your present is the continuation of the cleansing, the removal of imbalance. It is the upshift, and all forces of the planet, all elements, earth, wind, fire and water are an essential part of it. And so it is also Cosmic celestial energies that move them. The influx of the Divine Feminine Energies are flowing into the Earth at this time as well, and assisting in the release of what must be purified. The Feminine influx begins maximum flow with the Solar Eclipse and continues at optimal current through the November 28 Lunar Eclipse. This is incurred to bring the balance prior to the Ascension of the 12-12-12. It is an important phase; a era completes and begats a new phase … one of balance. A balance that benefits the Earth, and in kind humanity. Indeed planetary balance then influences each living soul to find equilibrium within. The Eclipses bring that which is termed the Feminine Energies into greater proportion. Yet do not consider these energies as directed to only one ‘gender ‘ or aspect of humanity. For in Divine Aspect you are neither male nor female. Gender is an aspect of polarity, of duality. Gender, to be clear, does not occur in higher dimension, you see. That is important to contemplate and comprehend. The goal for the planet then is the perfect balance of what you in polarity realms term Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. For when these energies are in parity, a balancing of the planet occurs that allows for the equilibrium of the New Earth. The parity of the new matrix then allows an easier path for each human to find the requisite balance within Self. For without this balance, growth into integral wholeness simply cannot occur. The present energies are quite intense on the planet, and this intensity will increase through the Ascension of the 12-12-12 and rebirth of the 12-21-12. Yet be aware that while intense, the current astrological effects of the Eclipses, retrogrades and meteorics also offer an incredible opportunity for growth, clearing and rebirth. It is a time for clarity of intent and manifestation of noble ideals. We urge you to use this timing. We encourage you to be gentle with self, to contemplate your life, your energy, your balance and your direction forward. Dear Human, all is in perfection, everything is on track, and with that knowledge, understand that you are in Divine Grace. But it is You who must create the movement forward. The windows of the eclipses in November of 2012 are timed, embellished and graced to assist you. It is true that the gravities are intense, and you have a lot on your plates, individually and collectively. These events, these energies are designed to bring you together, to offer you opportunities to go deeply inside. The scenario about you provides an incredible opportunity for profound realignment. Use the energy of these eclipses to consider, calibrate and set your intent. Within these energies are life forces of high concentration that enable noble thought to quickly manifest. 2012 has been a year in which each month brought new challenges, but you are almost there. The planetary rebirth is nigh. And we tell you that 2013 will be a much less intense energy in what may be termed astrological influences. I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved. And so it is… A good post by James Gilliland. The wave is coming and it is Universal in impact. Whether we flow with it or drown in it is up to us. J x
The E Generation There have been a lot of articles written concerning the E generation or those who share a common sense of entitlement with little or no energy exchange. I have mixed emotions concerning this issue. I believe a person has a right to food, shelter, and a meaningful fulfilling job and should be rewarded for service to Humanity and the Earth. With today's society there is a manufactured lack and great uneven dispersal of wealth; which cuts into these basic rights. The technology exists to take care of our energy and transportation needs without fossil fuels; which would free up much of the demands for labor and resources. This would also make available the transportation of food and materials globally at a fraction of the cost and a lowering of production costs. Yet what lies in the way of this coming forward? The very people creating the manufactured lack and gross uneven dispersal of wealth. We have watched the International Banksters, the corporate elite totally loot the system fully supported by their bought and paid politicians leaving an unbearable burden on the people yet few have a clue as to what this will mean in the future. This the height of arrogance, total disconnect from humanity and nature and the grandest example of a sense of entitlement. We have watched basic human rights; the constitution and human services go down the toilet while the elite get richer exacerbating the already gross uneven dispersal of wealth. Is this sustainable and where has it lead to in the past? Remember the French revolution? How about all the other empires elite hierarchies, massive government employees, militaries spread out around the world, where have they gone? Has this been sustainable and have we learned anything from the past? We are evolving towards unity consciousness, the separation game is no longer sustainable and will only result in de-evolution physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually; a loss on every level. Yet many are addicted to old behavior due to submitting to their own programmed, egotistic ways. This is happening individually and collectively yet there is another group that is fast arising; which can see through the old program and patriarchal ways where love has been abandoned, the divine feminine suppressed to the point where it has become so imbalanced. A mere shove will send it toppling. Unity consciousness, the divine feminine, and love are coming forward to heal this imbalance, it is unstoppable, universal law and the full power of creation is behind it like a great tsunami fully supporting the upward spiral in evolution. Those who stand against this wave will suffer the same consequences to their empires and their lives as anyone else standing in front of a great wave arrogantly thinking it will have no effect. This great wave will amplify and bring forward anything out of balance, anything unhealed, and these expressions will be part of the process. The ego will often place this process outside of self and create fictitious enemies with victims and tyrants banning together with similar wounds and traumas to act out their pain bodies together. Very few will step back, own their pain, anger, imbalances only to become what they are fighting. Very few will do their own research and fully accept the judgments and accusations of other victims and tyrants because these judgments and accusations support their own be lie fs and unresolved issues. Those who feel they did not get love, acceptance, approval, or support from their parents will feel the universe owes them something and is responsible for filling those voids. They will judge, blame, condemn, and even act violently towards those they have projected their wounds and traumas upon or those who did not fill their void. This is fully dysfunctional, will bear no fruit and also is not sustainable with the new incoming energies. ECETI and the mission of ECETI; which is the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth along with public acclimation to the greater family of man within the multiverse in which we live is a template of Unity Consciousness. Unity consciousness also means to unify with our multidimensional selves and our extended family throughout the multiverse. Very little funds are used for personal gain due to the fact that we live a simple, spiritual life in close communion with Nature. With a consciousness of service to humanity and the Earth knowing what lies ahead this would be the best path. What if everyone took this path? This path is not for victims, not for the wounded, not for those with a sense of entitlement or those who want to continue to project their unresolved issues on others or demand others fill their void. It is a path of Self Mastery, Self Responsibility and Self Accountability for choices made and the consequences of those choices. Holding this space, this frequency does not come without challenges and mistakes. What is most important is intent and gaining the wisdom from experiences evolving as one continues forward. Mohammed said, "There are no perfect men/women in the universe, only perfect intentions." Sin is but an archery term meaning you missed the mark. Forgiving oneself, others for the shared co-created experience and gaining the wisdom from the experience thus allowing them to settle in the soul as wisdom is the fast track to spiritual evolution. Grudges, revenge, projections and blame hold one in the past and inhibit evolution. If we all took personally responsibility, forgave ourselves, others in our co-creation, gained the wisdom from the experience and moved forward the entire planet would evolve exponentially to a frequency and consciousness that would not allow the lower vibrational attitudes, emotions and actions to have a foot hold. Yet many will not allow this to happen having far too much invested in their egos and the need to be right, blame others, and refuse to forgive. Thus they will have to experience their lessons the hard way, action/reaction or the universe mirroring back to them their unresolved wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. The good news is we can set boundaries and refuse to participate in these adventures. It is time for those who have gained at the expense of humanity and the Earth to give back to humanity and the Earth. It is time for those blessed with abundance to aid those less fortunate; which includes healing the fear of lack which is often behind the hoarding. It is time for the victims to release the past, heal and move forward in creating a better world for themselves. It is time for the opportunity to be made available for everyone to have at least their basic human rights and needs fulfilled, especially before expenditures on wars and projects that only serve the elite. We live in an abundant universe, the only lack is understanding, consciousness, and spiritual awareness of the fact that we all share in one unified field with no separation other than ignorance and illusion. The separation game of greed, power over others and control is fast coming to a close. The age of tyranny is over. Time to adjust to the new wave of consciousness and energy the Mayans referred to as the 9th wave or Unity consciousness, That is if you want to go forward in evolution, the Earth has already made her choice and she has an agreement with the Sun and Galactic Center. This is a clue as to what is to come. Be well, James Gilliland A must watch video for an overview of expansive changes in our solar system - not just the sun, and not just the earth! As we move through the shifts into greater recognition of the true meaning of interconnectedness, let's walk our talk and be a part of the kind of communities and new world we desire to create.
I am delighted to advise that from now (8 Nov) through to end of December, 30% of all income from digital downloads purchased from Diamond Light World (including promotions) will be donated to the FareShare organisation. FareShare is a charitable organisation that distributes food to those in need, while also working with major supermarkets to address the massive food waste issue. As more and more people struggle in the economic climate, the need for basic food supplies is growing, and even here in the UK the numbers are staggering. In the spirit of the 'festive season', celebrations of interconnectedness, building new communities based on support and co-operation etc, let's walk the talk and support those who need our help. If you wish to donate directly to the organisation or find out more about what they do, click on the highlighted links above. You may even wish to initiate your own projects as a demonstration of how you desire to see the world - let your desire, imagination and inspiration be your guide and let's make a difference. It all starts with us. For downloadable products, please see visit the various sections of 'Shop Online' , as well as the current promotional mp3, "Releasing the Ties that Bind" on the promotional page here In love and celebration of the diamonds that we all are, Julie x |
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September 2017