Powerful Insights confirming the current energies from an astrological perspective...
Out on the Assault Course by Sarah Varcas As we approach the Uranus/Pluto square exact on Friday and the solar eclipse in Scorpio a couple of days later, intensity is building and many people are feeling under enormous pressure. Whatever our biggest ‘issue’ is, that’s the one being triggered at the moment. Of course it will vary from person to person, and one person’s struggle may seem like a whole load of noise about nothing to another, but many are feeling painted into a corner at the moment and this can make for some stressful times. Looking at the charts for today I found myself wondering ‘what’s the best advice in the midst of this cosmic storm?’. The answer came back loud and clear: head down into the wind and keep on walking. Ugh, it wasn’t really what I wanted to hear. I’m looking for a solution the same as everyone else! But the heavens speak of the need for endurance now and a willingness to surrender completely any notion of immediate relief in favour of the greater value of moving through something rather than solving it from the outside looking in. We’re not in the cosmic classroom pondering problems in a text book to which formulae can be applied. No, we’re out on the assault course in the rain and howling wind, covered in the blood, sweat and tears of what it means to be human, amidst the challenges of life in this material realm where wounded egos hold sway. Life out here is far from all sweetness and light and the heavens refuse to collude with any notion it is. Right now we are facing the darkness and challenged to acknowledge it, step into it and accept it as our own creation. For once we do that – owning our own shadow, the karmic consequences of choices made and the ever-present influence of our egoistic mind-sets – we can recognise just how adept we have been at creating this present moment of challenge and strife and just how unconscious we have been in the process. Continue reading : http://astro-awakenings.co.uk/30th-october-a-gift-in-disguise
A continuation of Fatima's well written blog article on the deeper meaning of activism from a conscious foundation....Good reading! Julie
As mentioned in the previous blog (Part 1) HERE, the excesses of empire (the Corporatocracy) are obvious. For many, too, these excesses look desperate because many worldwide have awoken and are organizing, creating, dissenting, praying, filming, writing, speaking, etc. The places for these ‘old powers’ to hide are getting fewer and fewer, but it’s far from over yet. It’s not enough education, exposure and empowerment by enough people….not yet. Necessary Activism Activism takes many forms and these forms are profoundly interconnected. For example, Below is the link to a great radio show from 24 October by Jim McCanney (Jim's website link : http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/)
Jim gives a great summary in the radio show of the electrical interactions causing some of the effects we are seeing as Comet Ison interacts in our Solar System. This is powerful information that we should be taking notice of. There is a host of information on Jim McCanney's website on a wealth of different subjects. Link to radio show : http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_October_24_2013.mp3 A really powerful post by Fatima Bacot that echoes the growing sentiments of many who are awakening to deeper levels. Our active participation in the change is needed now.....Julie
“It’s easy to become overwhelmed with the magnitude of the task and feel it’s not worth the effort. Fatima Bacot shows us exactly why it IS worth the effort. Take heart. Pro-actively evolve. Now more than ever…” Steve Collins, Sante Fe, USA *As we survey the many perspectives and manifestations of all that is occurring and intensifying globally, we might ask ourselves:…How did it come to this? …How much power have we consensually surrendered for circumstances to have arrived as they have, and for so many rights to be being so flagrantly and profoundly violated, be they environmental, human, social, economic and otherwise? “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi ![]() Below is an article about Comet Ison and its close encounter with our sun due late November. While the jury is still out on exactly what may happen when it interacts with the sun, we are certainly feeling the intensification of energetic effects as it moves deeper into our solar system. Understanding that comets are in fact highly electrically charged (and not just chunks of 'ice!), and it becomes a little easier to understand that there can be EM interactions with each of the planets as it passes by - dependant upon proximity. Comet Ison is also not a small comet by recent estimates. So, if you are feeling as if any 'issues' in your life are being magnified or intensified at the moment, they are. The recent lunar eclipse of 18 October is challenging in itself, and that is without the extra presence of the comet, which has just passed by Mars. For the eclipse astrology, click here. For those who may be new to Diamond Light World, the octahedral energy field ('Diamond Light Grid') brings core stability and inner strength and reduces the impact of adverse EM charge and radiation - among many other things. Close Encounters : Comet Ison, an article by Julie Umpleby The spaceweather community is abuzz with Comet Ison, dubbed by many as ‘The Comet of the Century’. As it travels deeper into our solar system en route to a close encounter with our sun later in November there are many watching with intense interest. As some spectacular images of this significantly sized comet emerge (the comet nucleus is estimated to be anywhere between 0.5km – 4km in diameter), we would be wise to bear in mind the electrical nature of comets and the potential implications of its encounter with the sun. Far from being huge chunks of ice, comets are in fact more like asteroids and are highly electrically charged, with the nucleus acting as a charge capacitor. This often very high electric charge interferes with the plasma sheath of the sun, most often resulting in an outburst of plasma from the solar surface, a Coronal Mass Ejection. A brilliant little video on how to monitor solar activity, the meaning of various indices and the implications for earth. Well worth taking half an hour out to watch....also worth signing up for the daily 'news' summary provided by Suspicious Observers on youtube. It's a great 2-3 minute conscise presentation of various monitored events, eg earthquakes, mantle plumes, solar activity, extreme weather formations etc. Julie ![]() KILLING THEM WITH KINDNESS? An article by Julie Umpleby, www.diamondlightworld.net Most of us at some stage will have reached into our pockets and made some kind of financial contribution to assist those in the ‘third world’ so desperately in need of nourishment, help and support. After all, how can any decent human being not be affected by the images of emaciated, starving children too hungry to do anything other than plead with eyes that seem too large for their drawn faces?? It is heart breaking indeed to witness such suffering and not be moved by it. Over the years we have learned of the corruption that has infiltrated many charitable foundations, leading to the redistribution of either funds or products so that those most in need are the ones least likely to receive what they so desperately need. Valuable resources are often hijacked for black market sales, further enriching those for whom the only motivation is greed and accumulation. Even worse, is the use of such ill-gotten gains to fund the purchase of weapons, further excacerbating the fear, impoverishment and neglect of human life. However, there is another insidious issue that has not received the attention of the mainstream media that is equally as detrimental to those most desperately in need. That issue is the type of nutrition they are provided with even when food supplies do manage to reach their intended destinations. After watching the video below by Prof Walter Veith, I threw out whatever milk was left in my fridge along with the cheese and am now slowly removing other sources of dairy from my diet. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have always loved my cheese, so this is a major step for me!! In addition to that, I love drinking tea, but so far have discovered that unsweetened organic soya milk works pretty well as a substitute and there are loads of milk alternatives derived from nuts that are available these days. It is early days yet, however, I have been craving more water and feel that my body is currently detoxing. I am observing the process with a great deal of awareness and look forward to noting how various health issues may respond.... The vidoe below is well presented with good scientific information on exactly why our bodies struggle to metabolise dairy products. Enjoy! Julie |
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