A process we worked with in our latest Diamond Community Gathering, placed the Transformation Light Code (above) over the hurricane with the spirals in a clockwise direction to offset the intense anti-clockwise spiral of the storm. We also worked on a personal, deep releasing process to shift any fear-based limitations still impacting us at the unconscious level, so that we can hold a space for the path of Irma that is infused with love, compassion and strength. There are so many energetic influences at the moment that are promoting great shifts - celestial, solar, climatic etc & the hurricanes are an aspect of a far greater picture that is fuelling transformation and awakening.
As a personal intention, you may wish to visualise yourself in the calm centre of the storm, place yourself in your diamond with it centred at the base of your spine (so that it is stable and aligned)imagine the transformation light code spiralling clockwise from the inside out, around your field and through you from below your feet. Then see this code amplified and spreading out through your diamond field and all the way into the storm itself. See it slowing down the wind speed as it counters the opposing anti-clockwise spiral. A copy of the Transformation Light Code is attached here. If you would like the webinar and personal process that we recorded over the GAP Day on 6 September (which also has a guided meditation for the hurricane work), then it can be accessed via a donation here : http://www.diamondlightworld.net/sept-gapequinox.html
Below is a video I prepared with some visuals to explain some of the controversy around the Schumann Resonances & includes and explanation of the charts that are being referred to. I hope you will find this useful to expand your understanding of what is happening and will provide some insight. (Excuse the missing introduction as there was a delay starting the recording so it clipped the first few seconds),
The following website hosts the research article by Iona Miller and Benjamin Lonetree referred to in the video : http://www.stillnessinthestorm.com/2017/04/must-read-schumann-resonance-advanced-science-psychophysical-regulation-and-psi.html I have been fascinated to watch the virus-like quality of the current meme flooding new age circles which states that the Schuman Resonance is increasing. After receiving and being aware of numerous claims which I intuitively felt were misleading, I did my own research and also contacted a number of reputable sources of real time information on the Schumann Resonances. One was an electrical engineer, Benjamin Lonetree who not only designs equipment for monitoring the SR's, but has been engaged in monitoring the levels for almost 20 years.
The other was the Heartmath Institute, whose website and charts many are referring to as their 'proof' that the resonances are increasing. The resounding response to the question is 'No, The Schumann Resonances are NOT Increasing". No matter how much we would like it be so, or to make it fit the paradigm we would like, it simply is not the case. Repeating something often enough does not make it Truth. Those that wish to use 'Science' as the justification for their position on the increase of SR's should ensure that they understand the science they are attempting to use. I received the following statement from Annette Deyhle (Phd), the Research Co-ordinator for the Heartmath Institute : "We have had numerous inquiries regarding postings on Facebook that refer to information on a website suggesting that for the first time in recorded history the Schumann resonance frequency has jumped from 7.8 to 36+ hertz. These statements are inaccurate. Here are some basics about the source of the Schumann Resonances. There is an electromagnetic cavity which acts as a waveguide which exists between the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere which is about 55 kilometers (34 miles) from the Earth’s surface. The Schumann Resonances are quasi-standing electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. They occur at the following frequencies, which are determined by the size of the earth/ionosphere cavity; 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, 45 and 59 Hertz, with a daily (day-night) variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz (see Figure 1). So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. The resonant properties of this electromagnetic cavity and the resulting resonant frequencies were first predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann in 1952, and were experimentally verified in the late 1950s and early 60s. There are and always have been 8 different Schumann resonance frequencies. They are the same as they were when first measured in the 1960s. Figure 1 shows most of them, although the highest resonant frequency is not in shown in our data as it is very close to the power line frequency of 60 Hz and is filtered out. If the resonant frequencies were changing it would mean the physical geometry of the Earth-ionosphere cavity was changing. The frequencies can and do change temporarily due to solar storm events, etc. which affects ionosphere shape and conditions, but they return to their base frequencies when things settle down. Figure 1 Schuman resonance data recorded from the GCI sensor site in Boulder Creek, Calif. With 7 M Class Solar Flares over the past few days and 1 X Class in recent hours, no matter the kind of week you have had I'm sure it has been an energised one!
For some of you that may mean lots of physical energy and mental clarity. For others it means just the opposite, and that is because these flares act as a kind of 're-wiring you exactly in the way you need' influence. If you need rest, they try to get you to rest, so you are going to feel lethargic. If it is time to act, they will give you that booster shot of motivation and inspiration you need. It is also common to feel a mixture of the two: that is, a lot of adrenal action pumping through you, while the mind is feeling unable to focus or concentrate or anything. This is usually a good sign to just slow down and take one hour/minute at a time. Sitting down for a few minutes as you focus on your breath going in and out works miracles when it comes to regaining a sense of balance. Flares are also emotional clearing machines - old anger/grief/issues can arise out of nowhere for the purpose of being addressed and transmuted. Ask that if these feelings are not yours, or if they no longer serve you, to please leave and go to where they now belong. There is a momentum this year unlike any other year before. We are all being urged forward to step it up a level. So for some people this means looking at issues that you've never looked at before. For others it means gaining clearer, deeper insights into stuff you have looked at a hundred times! This year we are being called to embody all that we have learned about ourselves, and this can mean owning our power, taking action around that dream, or just living a simpler, healthier life moment by moment. Solar and astrological influences inject bonus energy into these already powerful waves, and there are a host of them playing their role right now! From the Sun flaring away, to the upcoming March 16/17 Uranus/Pluto square - the final one in a series of 7 that have been occuring since 2012, to the huge 20/21 March Solar Eclipse Equinox!! All of these alone = massive inner and outer transformation. Together they are making March be yet another pivotal month in what is a pivotal year. It is sending us all in the direction we all most need to go in, in order to live a life that feels most true to our Soul's highest calling, truth and purpose. How are you all feeling? (c) Dana Mrkich 2015. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included I found the following reports by Jennifer Hoffman in respect of this year's energies, to be so strongly aligned with what I have been personally experiencing as well as connecting with. She has written a fabulous summary that also puts the past decade (at least) into perspective and provides a framework for understanding the changes taking place in the personal lives of so many - changes that will continue in one way or another through 2015. What I enjoy about these reports is the down to earth nature and ease of understanding without too much of the 'fluffy' languaging that is used by so many...
There is also a more condensed energy report for January 2015 that I have included in the links below - I have a strong resonance with what Jennifer is saying in both & it echoes what I have been saying to others. Enjoy! Predictions for 2015 : http://enlighteninglife.com/2015-predictions/ January 2015 Energy Report : http://enlighteninglife.com/january-2015-energy-report/
![]() So, I would like to share with you some of the beautiful synchronicities and messages that have happened since her transition, so that we can all know the depth of the soul contracts we have with our beloved animal companions. Within a day of Millie's passing which was 22/10 (the 22 has special significance), I received a beautiful note from Mariela Maya of www.mayankin.com, as she had found an incredible soul link through the Mayan Calendar alignments : "Millie was a Blue Solar Night and the Blue Night is your analog, your helper. The Blue Night is the intuitive energy of dreams, the mystic world, seeing in the dark, and opening up to Abundance on all levels. I checked her energies for this year and she was transiting the White Spectral Mirror, energy of reflection and cutting with what one is ready to let go of. The Spectral tone is number 11 and it is the energy of releasing, dissolving, liberating. Her last birthday was under the Wavespell of the Yellow Star, and that's your guide of birth, energy of Beauty and Harmony. And you were born on the 7th day of the Wavespell of the White Dog, how beautiful the soul connection between you both!" On the same very same evening, I received a message from friends in South Africa offering me a ticket with voyager miles back to my spiritual home - a gift of incredible love and liberation that I will be taking up early in 2015. The very next day, I received an incredible message from Millie via an animal healer/communicator here in the UK (Sue Gessey at www.suegessey.co.uk) : Hi Lovely Julie I have done some energy work and what I received was as follows :- I felt an overwhelming feeling of all I can describe as LOVE, pure love, the love you dream of and dare I say what many of us only really experience from an animal as humans are caught up in their "stuff". Millie was/is a healer and a teacher of a high frequency, her gift in this lifetime was to show you unconditional love in its purest form, for you to experience it, embrace it and to be uplifted by it. She chose to guide you, to heal you (and others) to encourage you, and to teach you how to be in your heart and connect with the highest frequencies possible. She tells me she is (her words) " An Emissary of Light" who agreed to hold your energy for you for as long as you needed it to do your work. She may have chosen to incarnate in a small vehicle this time round but her energy is vast! And she works with many other higher beings of Light. She has had a peaceful transition and is "dancing in the Light with friends" she has returned to where she originated from which she told me is "the 9th dimension" (I don't know what this means). She told me that she stayed with you as long as she could and that she knows how difficult it was for you to say goodbye, what you did was perfect and her friends had gathered around her for many days before preparing her for her transition. She says she hasn't really gone anywhere,her energy has changed that's all and you can still connect with her and she will continue to assist you with your work. She wants me to tell you how VERY grateful she is for YOU being YOU and that you are amazing! She LOVES YOU SO MUCH!! You too are an Emissary of Light! and you both have worked on projects and missions before and you will again, for now she has had to depart in physical form and return to her natural frequency. She thanks you for understanding her and appreciating her for all she was and for celebrating her uniqueness as she was unique and she tells me you too are unique. She tells me one of the reasons the 2 of you had such a strong bond is that you are both very similar and mirror each other in so many ways. She takes her work quite seriously (her healing work etc ) but she also likes a laugh and to have fun and she says you are the same. She tells me she has been given a cloak, its made of a rainbow (again I don't know what this means) and that she is continuing to wear it as it's part of her alignment process (?) She asks me to tell you she LOVES you and that her heart is filled full of joy at being in your life and wants to thank you again. She will be in touch with you very soon and for you to watch out for her. Her energy is amazing so sweet and gentle and such overwhelming love and yet she is so incredibly powerful and wise too. I will admit some of the things she told me I didn't understand however I pass them to you as she gave the information. With love always Sue I have highlighted a couple of things in the note in respect of her sense of humour and the rainbow cloak, because literally an hour after receiving this message, a friend from the USA sent through the looniest of pictures (totally unconnected with the previous note), with a headline that said, "Look, it's Millie in Heaven!". And blow me down, it is a white dog in a crazy rainbow outfit!! See this delightful pic below that confirmed Sue's information/Millie's message almost instantaneously! What an amazing and beautiful synchronicity. And yet 2 days further on, I was prompted by her again to look up the meaning of the 22nd card in the tarot. Because the tarot major arcana start at 0, the 22nd card is actually No. 21 and is called, 'The World'. It refers to the ending of a long phase or cycle, cessation of oppressive responsibilities, growth, success, abundance, power, female teachers or mentors and love, joy and harmony, among other things. This was Millie's beautiful gift to me...... In between all of these synchronicities and amazing messages, were many more that are etched into my memory, including a sequence of events concerning White Roses, the meaning of which is so perfectly aligned as seen in the extract below: "Suited to reverent occasions, the white rose is a fitting way to honor a friend or loved one in recognition of a new beginning or a farewell. Their pure color conveys respect, pays homage to new starts and expresses hope for the future. Historically, the white rose symbolized innocence and purity, which is how it became associated with weddings and bridal bouquets. Way back in 14th-century England the white rose was the heraldic sign of the Duke of York and associated with Yorkshire. Today, the white rose has retained its associations with both pure love and formal ceremony, making it a many-purposed recognition of unions and ceremonial occasions, such as anniversaries, christenings and graduations" I was also born in Yorkshire, England, the county of the White Rose. So, Master Millie, as she has become known has certainly shown me in no uncertain terms, just how magnificent her soul essence is. I am beginning to look forward to working with her in a new way, as together with her brother, Smudge, they continue to guide and support the Diamond Light community into ever higher dimensions and manifestations of LOVE. It felt significant to share this with you all, not only because it allows me to express some of the amazing events of the past few weeks, but also because these events/messages confirm the incredible Higher dimensional support for all that we are doing. Smudge has been assisting with remote alignment work and also animal transition since he left last year & it was his voice that helped to keep me on track and trusting through my grief in Millie's transition. Hopefully, this post also serves as a prompt to be aware of the potential soul contracts with your own special animal companions (and our collective human-animal soul contracts). RIP my precious Diamond Girl. We will both flow into the next stage of our journey together in perfect Divine accordance, and your Loving Light will continue to be shine in the hearts of so many. ![]() My Diamond dogs, Millie and Smudge a few years ago. Note how their intertwined legs take on a heart-shaped formation..... Diamond Consciousness and Light Body Immortality - a channelled message from Magenta Pixie13/7/2014 As many of you know, I am very discerning about so called channeled material! However, I was compelled to share the following video message with you after I being pointed to it a few days ago. The message embodies a truth resonance and provides some valuable validation for many of you actively working with your personal diamond light grid, as well as our collective grids. There is also some great information concerning the incoming souls, especially children born from 2008 onwards, and their role in supporting the growing Diamond Light Matrix. Well worth listening to!! Love, Julie I just found this blog post & love what Laura has to say! In the way of the most beautiful synchronicity, she posted this article on 15 January and uses the Rider-waite tarot card, The Chariot as the archetypal symbolic representation for the message and what is needed from individuals - the Chariot is No. 7 , and Laura's message, as well as the interpretation of The Chariot is so totally aligned with our event of 15 January, The Power of Presence and the 77 vibration. (Process is available for immediate access and download, here). I am constantly amazed at how the universe provides messages and confirmations....as well as prompts when we care to listen (there was obviously a Higher impulse that others were picking up on around that day & energy!) Enjoy, Julie ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ A general understanding of the suppressive power potential within tradition does not liberate us, except from the superficial aspects of behavior that form the outer shell of any actual tradition in operation. Great play is made by power greedy theorists and acting political leaders of the concept of ‘freedom.’ Freedom for its own sake is as suppressive a mode of control as rigid rule. At one extreme the rigidity of an arid tradition imprisons, while at the other, the unfocused random energies of spurious freedom allow the individual to dissipate and be consumed by hidden, greater, unperceived patterns.” ~ R.J. Stewart There’s been a lot of talk in 2013 and 2014 about various boogie men, conspiracies, and deceptions. With Pluto, Lord of the UnderWorld, still in Capricorn, revelations and exposures will likely continue to increase. After millennia of secrecy, lightning has struck the fortress, ejecting old paradigms left and right, just like the dreaded Tower Card We live in a time of chaos, as the same-old, same-old unveils itself in some instances as evil in our midst. Slavery in our midst. Divide and conquer. Spiritual oppression. “Divine retribution.” “Fate.” Uncontrollable, radical change. Few people know that the Tower card was poet W.B. Yeats’ very favorite card in the entire deck. Though scary to the unwilling and unprepared, for the focused person, the Tower card represents enormous energy suddenly liberated from old restraints. The conscious person knows how to harness such energy into an integrated Chariot card (Tower card = 16; 1 + 6= 7; 7 = the Chariot). (Thanks to Tim Glenn for that insight.) Rider-Waite-Smith deck, Chariot card See how the driver of the Chariot commands the mysterious opposites? He’s got that big, bad “Annunaki” symbol on the Rider-Waite-Smith Chariot, but rather than burning the evil card let’s look at what it represents: a man, under a starry canopy, driving a Chariot, with polarized Sphinxes available to pull him where he wants to go — all under the auspices of the VII (magickal 7), acknowledging initiation into the Mysteries. We see on the Chariot card, one who knows what he wants, aligned with cosmic energy, who … through esoteric wisdom … has learned to harness opposite paradigms and chaotic emotions to do his bidding. We see a responsible adept, ready and willing to journey into and exert influence upon this world.
Robin Wood’s deck pictures the Chariot pullers as black and white unicorns, pulling a Chariot with a Tao (yin-yang) sign and the driver playing a lyre and singing instead of holding the reins. He confidently aligns himself under a starry canopy, and the magical unicorns follow the intention he sings. In either version, we witness the powerful integration of two opposite forces. Rather than throwing the proverbial baby out with the bath water, the Chariot card models magickal manifestation, as the driver calmly and intentionally reclaims and redirects into positive, preferred ends any useful power ejected from the sudden changes of the Tower card. Without that reclamation, the driver would have a chariot, but no force to pull it. No horse power, no Sphinx power. The driver would embody instead what I hear so often from well-meaning students of watered-down New Age platitudes and half-revealed “Secret’s”: “I know what I want, but I never get anywhere. I try all those techniques, and I read all the books and listen to all the channels and (now) all the anti-channelers. I tell all those bad “Annunaki’s,” “Archons,” “False Light Arch-Angels,” demons, “negative ET’s,” “fake positive ET’s,” Illuminati, fundamentalist religions, bad gods and goddesses, pretend-good gods and goddesses, MK Ultra programmers, 4th dimensional or 4th density energy parasites, and nano-technology to go away. I’ve done my best to eliminate all emotions, because I know they feed off them … But somehow I just can’t get over this hump. I’m stuck. I’ve been stuck for years. I’m not even sure if I know what I want anymore, because if I really wanted it, wouldn’t I already have it? I mean, I’m onto all the illusions. Nothing’s real. That should free me, right? Why aren’t I free? Why don’t I feel happy?” Simply put: you’re not free because you threw the baby out with the bath water. In your shock at recognizing how humanity has been manipulated, you tossed away your greatest power, forgetting that if beings derived great strength from slurping up your emotions, then those emotions hold great power. Certainly, you don’t want to feed your controllers, but discarding that source of power falls short of true liberation. Completely rejecting anything that has been used against you in the past does remove that source of power for vampires; however, it also wastes an important source of power for you. Living without emotions, you lose not only your own power, but a huge piece of your humanity. Do you really think the would be controllers of this world would spend so much energy trying to pathologize every human emotion in the DSM-5 if they didn’t feel threatened by human emotions? Do you really believe the powers that would remain would invest so much time, money and obsession in the transhuman agenda if they didn’t want humans to react more like machines? Here, have an RFID-chip … or this nanoparticle … or Morgellon’s fibers … we’ll radio signal you into compliance like a good little android. The would be controllers got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. People are onto them, sort of. Their rather effective counter-offensive involves convincing humans that those cookies taste horrible and will leave people with really bad gas: “Nope! Nothing valuable here. Drop. The. Cookie. Now. For your own protection. There are COOKIE MONSTERS in them ethers! Quick, destroy your cookie, but not by eating it. Ohhhh, no. Just drop that cookie on the floor and let the cockroaches eat that worthless thing. Whatever you do, don’t eat the cookie. A moment on the lips, millions of lifetimes on the karma. You’re smarter than that. Drop. The. Cookie. Dropthecookie. Dropthecookiedropthecookie.” Meanwhile, back at the Chariot … no cookies/no emotions = no fuel for your horse-unicorn-sphinx pullers. You can hitch your intentions to the “beasts,” but, to quote Bob Dylan: “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere.” Discarding all emotions and all possible alliances with inter- and extra-dimensional friends makes about as much sense (and maturity) as closing your heart and swearing off all future relationships and friendships because a narcissist broke your heart. It happens. Not every human, angel, ET, faery and/or herb is a good match for every person every time. Some of them are downright self-serving sociopaths. Does that mean everyone is? Does that mean you can never love anyone or anything again? Does that mean you should never trust anyone or anything again? As Tennyson said, “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Shakespeare also chimed in with “Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.” The key is not to stop loving, feeling, and trusting but rather to learn and practice better discernment in how you invest your love, trust and feelings. The best way to begin practicing better discernment is to Know Thyself. Start here. Learn what makes you tick. Pay attention to your feelings before discarding them. Discover what those preferences and aversions tell you before you hide them from the Cookie Monsters and thus, yourself. I’m copying a comment I made to someone’s questions about whether or not we should completely shut ourselves off from angels “just in case”: “In my experience, there ARE good, kind angels who ARE willing to help. The red flags would be if there’s an icky aftertaste of giving away all your power to them, rather than working as co-creators. There’s a lot, lot, lot of fear porn happening right now. There are also a lot of channeled writings CLAIMING to be from archangels that often aren’t. It’s a pretty big mess. Best to go inside and feel who you align with. There are some gods and goddesses that I personally wouldn’t opt to work with either! “I posted this particular Doreen Virtue, because I loved her dedication at the end, as well as her encouragement to get out there and DO some of the co-creating, not just sit inside imagining and praying. “People are really struggling right now and really afraid, because they’ve gotten suckered into giving away their power to disempowering beings. Here’s a clue: if the message robs you of your own agency or intellect, then it’s probably not a good message. If a message encourages you to take responsibility for your own life, get INTO Divine flow and allow yourself to receive natural, loving support, then it’s probably a good message. It’s important to check in with how you’re feeling before, during and after interactions. “I think much of Cameron Day’s [and others'] material is good, but there’s also such a thing as throwing the baby out with the bath water. We can use sincere assistance at this time, keeping in mind that we do not need to make oaths and sign away our agency in order to have friendly support. If anyone asks/requires you to do that, I’d suggest running in the opposite direction.” Do you see the difference between black or white reacting vs. considered responding vs. the potential for embracing whatever does empower and aid positive creation? This baby and the bath water issue pervades much of our lives and has for millennia. It’s one way those wizards behind the curtain have managed to maintain so much control, despite their extreme disadvantage in terms of numbers and humane-ity. The “Holy” Roman Empire used a neutered version of Christianity to conquer vast cultures and land, all the while hoarding and publicly demonizing all the traditional esoteric wisdom from those they conquered. Advertisers use secret symbols to trigger the masses’ unquenchable thirst for mythology and meaning — projecting those longings onto empty products or wind bag politicians. Meanwhile, education and indoctrination assure everyone that any of the real “stuff” is “occult” (which simply means “hidden”), “evil,” “silly” (from the original “Seelie”) or a sign of ignorance (ignore-ance of what’s actually there to perceive). Discerning bodies, minds, hearts and souls would be wise to wonder why something so “worthless” warrants such concerted misdirection and attack. Secrets only remain secret for so long, before some force or the kind intentions of an initiate who realizes the imbalance tries to level the playing field with leaks. When that happens — whether via Secret Societies (sometimes themselves watered-down, co-opted versions of “Truth”) releasing their “wisdom” or via Snowden and the Guardian revealing the NSA workings — watering down and misdirection become the best ways of managing a complete breaking of the dam. The entire Snowden saga reads like a mythological journey, complete with its own subterranean exploits, chase scenes and Guardian. Beware and be wise: guardians often speak in riddles. What seems most important may obscure real entrances to Other Worlds. When it becomes clear that Toto has pulled back a bit of the curtain, the wizards behind that curtain purposely allow themselves to get busted on lesser things, so that the peons feel vindicated enough to stop searching — and outraged enough to distance themselves from anything related to the wizards, especially the wizards’ powerful tools and knowledge. This applies to the NSA revelations just as much as it applies to all the warnings to sever any and all contacts and contracts with spiritual allies. One should reexamine and sever unfair contracts, but refusing any and all contact is sometimes less than wise. “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.” Know your own limits and goals, and recognize and respect that other beings have their own limits and goals, too. To the extent that these mesh, you can work together. To the extent not, no, it’s not a match. The decision to work with or not can be situational, just as different human individuals and groups sometimes align when they have common goals or part ways when their interests diverge. Just as not all human beings are “good” or “evil,” so individuals of any given species — on or off world — can vary. Pigeon holing every individual of a particular group or race as good or evil is a covert form of inter-Galactic and inter-dimensional racism. Sure, you can save yourself from working with that evil “Archon” out to rob your soul, but such blanket bigotry also deprives you of other, potentially valuable and mutually beneficial connections with beings your fear might blindly lump into the “Archon” or Annunaki category. Humans aren’t the only ones evolving in this Universe. (On a different note, if you don’t want them to be your Masters, then why do you honor them with the title “Archon,” which means “Master”? Call them vampires; call them cosmic weenies … but if you want to reclaim your power, then stop giving it to them in your fear and creative words.) With betrayal and paranoia running high, the wizards behind the curtain can offer the merest hints of such tools’ and wisdom’s depravity … and then their well-meaning opposition will do the rest of the work, disseminating increased levels of paranoia, fear and a desire for “protective” isolation. Because God/dess forbid the peons discover they have both power and real allies. God/dess forbid the peons delve into their own Shadow side enough to recognize not only their own power but also their responsibility to use that power for the Good. When caught surfing off someone else’s energy, first rule: deny. When denial no longer works: neutralize. Convince the peons that all occult powers and potential off-world or interdimensional contacts are inherently evil. Sure, those wizards won’t get to surf off as much raw emotion, but at least they won’t need to face it turned against them. At least they won’t need to face that emotion and those tools and alliances united in the creation of a more positive Reality. Nope! They just need to go on a little diet until they can manufacture some other outrageous trigger for an unbridled, uncontrolled emotional feast. “Hey, how ’bout a Fear Fest?! Mmmmmmmm, paranoia! Tastes almost as good as pitiful whimpering, simpering depression and psycopathic rage. Variety is so scrummy sometimes.” More wise words from R.J. Stewart, who, imho, realllly gets it: “We are not suggesting that so-called demons appear in human form and cause illness and accident, but that the demonic response is generated within the human psyche from a deeper source, and it is at this deepest level that it must be resolved. “If the magician is unable to relate to Innerworld beings correctly, then their effect upon his or her limited or unbalanced psyche may be demonic — confusing, restricting, wild, uncontrolled, self-destructive, dangerous to innocents, and so forth. This is directly comparable to passing excessive energy through a weak or faulty conducting medium or component.” The key, therefore, is less about tossing out all the energy, than about refining the vessel (i.e. you) that such energy runs through. “It takes a deeper perception to realize that the old images are still powerful within us, but from a very specialized and highly disguised origin. The imagery was willfully and immorally poisoned during the formative years of the state-Church in the West, leaving psychological weaponry for later cults and variants of the religion according to their cultural expression. Although our subservience to the perverted imagery is due to ignorance, there can be no doubt that the original twisting and tangling was a series of acts of deliberate will and wisdom. Wisdom is not necessarily compassionate.” ~R.J. Stewart Just because some psychotic control freaks decided to pervert sexuality, esoteric symbols, emotions and magick does not mean that those things are inherently worthless, powerless or evil. On the contrary, they can each serve as powerful initiators of the Good — when used with discernment, compassion and respect. Complete rejection or compartmentalization seems more attractive to the lazy coward in each of us, because, face it, untangling the miasma of watered-down teachings, manipulated responses and strategic sleights of hand takes work. It takes dedicated study, self-exploration, commitment and effort. Many would rather avoid such things, assuaging their conscience by lumping the entire “Left Hand Path” into a hermetically sealed Hefty bag, self-righteously kicked to the curb for trash collection. And you are completely “free” to do so. The only catch? You will never liberate yourself if you refuse to accept the responsibility that freedom and empowerment rightfully entail. Most people fight consciousness and personal power because they don’t want to make difficult decisions. They prefer to outsource moral and existential dilemmas to religion, government, philosophy or a well-meaning “helper” who relieves them of that quintessentially human responsibility by short-circuiting power. Patrick Henry famously said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” Indeed, something worse than death awaits those who reject liberty: insanity and endless boredom. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ~Albert Einstein “Boredom rests upon the nothingness that winds its way through existence; its giddiness, like that which comes from gazing down into an infinite abyss, is infinite.” Soren Kierkegaard Yes, humanity, it’s time to grow up: “The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.” J.K. Rowling Laura Bruno's blog : http://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2014/01/15/the-baby-and-the-bath-water/#comment-11127 Personal Peace, Collective Awakening by Sarah Varcas
www. This Full Moon could go either way. We may find ourselves mysteriously free of the troubles which have burdened us in recent weeks or increasingly weighed down by them. We may finally see their insignificance in the context of the vast universe or be unable to see around them in the context of our personal lives. This is a Moon of extremes and therefore of extreme possibilities. It could bring liberation from a viewpoint that has kept us imprisoned – mentally, emotionally, spiritually – or it could strengthen those prison bars with a dose of so-called ‘reality’ which tells us that nothing ever changes, life is a struggle and the sooner it’s over the better. It reminds us that personal experience and the collective energetic field are forever entwined and to step out of the former we can embrace the latter with reverence and awe. This Full Moon provides us an opportunity to shift perspective and consequently see things in a very different light. Aligned with Black Moon Lilith, this Moon speaks of the need to honour our instincts whilst recognising that to follow them takes time and planning. If we have spent years building a life that meets egoic demands for status, security and acceptance but which has little to do with what lies at our core, merely deciding to change is not enough to make the past go away and the future manifest here-and-now in a totally different form. We need to exercise patience and collaborate with the new as it births itself. Many, these days, are feeling the stifling effects of previous decisions made from a place of unconsciousness and adaptation. Many live lives which do not feed the spirit or offer fulfilment but which instead promise an increasingly stressed existence that fails to honour the inter-connectedness of all things and its attendant responsibilities and freedoms. In a world where the distribution of wealth is shockingly skewed and one part of the globe discards mountains of waste food whilst another starves, balance is needed and a deeper resonance with the lives of others must be nurtured. To do this we must begin with ourselves and a resonance with our own spirit rather than the egoic demands that tend to call the shots. Once we can recognise when our own lives are out of balance and have the courage to act as necessary to re-establish it, we can better resonate with the wider collective field that isn’t all about us as individual identities fulfilling our dreams and getting whatever we want but which, instead, forms the one life of which we all share a small part. And the better we can resonate with that, the better we can relinquish egoic pursuit of personal gain in favour of a compassionate connection with the myriad life forms on this planet. There exists an unimaginable amount of suffering in the world: wars and conflicts continue. Famine and drought, natural disasters and plain old poverty mar countless lives. We cannot turn a blind eye to this and judge ‘spiritual progress’ only by how we’re feeling, how fulfilled we are, whether we are living the life of our dreams. We must move deeper to see into the very nature of existence and truly honour the collective unity which circulates through its energetic arteries. The fruits of awakening ripen within the collective field, shared by all things throughout the universe and beyond. It is this fact to which this Full Moon points. The more we can put ego desires in their place, acquaint ourselves with the nature of a healthy ego and call ourselves on its unhealthy expression in our own lives, the better able we are to facilitate the birth of the Aquarian Age which seeks to bring about equality and justice for all: a global community which does not tolerate famine as a by-product of greed, the atrocities of war as an acceptable form of conflict resolution or the destruction of our planet as an unavoidable consequence of ‘economic progress’. There is yet a long way to go. That millions on this planet spend their day struggling to feed themselves and their families inevitably impacts upon the collective potential for awakening into a new age, and those of us in a position to embrace a path of awakening cannot simply turn a blind eye to the struggles of others and proclaim unmitigated progress in this respect. The biggest and most liberating change in our own life can indeed be breathtaking on a personal level, but collectively it is a drop in the ocean and we must not allow it to blind us to the plight of those who struggle merely to survive another day. This Full Moon may pre-occupy us with our own challenges to the exclusion of all else, but it also contains within it the potential to elevate us to view the bigger picture. We have the chance now to recognise the enormity of the task ahead and the importance of every person who possibly can, committing to walking it in a state of reverence and humility, recognising that ultimately it isn’t about you and me and our own little lives, but about the life of this planet and beyond, realigning it into a state of balance and peace which can allow all of life to flourish and grow. Enjoy the Full Moon everyone. Sarah Varcas |
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September 2017